Category: gen-y

Brand Identity & Self-Discoverygen-yRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill Development

The Loneliest Generations: Millennials and Gen Z

According to a recently released survey by the healthcare company Cigna, Gen Z is the loneliest generation followed by the millennials. Gen Z has an overall loneliness score of 48.3 and millennials have a score of 45.3. This survey has been conducted with more than 20,000 Americans who are 18 years and older.

The survey …

Brand Identity & Self-Discoverygen-yRelationships & Personal GrowthWorkplace Success

Managing a Multi-Generational Workplace

Millennials keep joining to the workforce and their numbers grow each day in the companies. Meanwhile, due to harsh economic conditions, Baby Boomers and Gen X postpone retirement and actively keep working. This leaves managers with a challenge of managing teams which consist of three generations.  Each generation has their strengths and weaknesses. The importance …

Brand Identity & Self-Discoverygen-yRelationships & Personal GrowthWorkplace Success

Ways to Motivate Millennials in the Workplace

Millennials are the generation born between 1980 and 2000. Currently, they make up almost 33% of the US workforce so one in three employees is a millennial. While millennials are highly educated and technology capable, they are unfortunately the most frequent job hoppers. Studies show that this generation generally stays in one job around 2 …

Communication & NetworkingEmployer Brandinggen-yJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingMiscRelationships & Personal GrowthWorkplace Success

What Millennials Seek, Desire in an Employer

I just read an interesting article online entitled, Stop Treating Millennial Employees Like Enigmas, written by Sara Roberts and Michael Papay and featured on[1] As the title suggests, the article focuses on how businesses can best utilize the skills and talents of Millennials, generally defined as that 80-million-strong cohort born between 1977 and 2000, …

Career & WealthCommunication & Networkinggen-yguest postRelationships & Personal Growth

3 Powerful Habits To Supercharge Your Career

Great, you found a career that you love. Now what?

If you’re like most ambitious people, you realize that even after you work for years to accomplish something, the road to mastery is still long and winding. Especially when it comes to mastery in your career.

So how do you continue to overcome the inevitable …