Category: events

Communication & NetworkingeventsNetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

Announcing the 2009 Personal Branding Summit in Boston

Over the past few years, I’ve been experimenting and executing new projects rather quickly. In fact, between March 14 and August 1st of 2007, I created this blog, as well as Personal Branding TV, Personal Branding Magazine, the Personal Brand Awards, and I wrote articles for magazines and websites.  Since then, I’ve obviously slowed …

Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryeBrandEducationEmployer BrandingeventsInterviewNetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation ManagementSocial MediaSuccess Story

Use Personal Branding to Increase Your Sales

A few months ago I did an interview with Dan Schawbel and I thought I would share it with you all here. Dan speaks about personal branding and how sales reps can position themselves to succeed it what I call the New Sales Economy. While the interview focuses on sales reps, it’s important to remember …

Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryeBrandeventsguest postNewsPositioningPRRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation ManagementSocial Media

Tweeting About Being Fired From the New Yorker; Why Journalists Should Take Charge of Their Personal Brand

All in all, last Friday was probably a good day for Dan Baum.

The former New Yorker staff writer’s decision to use Twitter to chronicle his unwilling exit from the magazine in 2007 has generated quite a bit of buzz and attracted a few hundred followers to his account.

At 1:46pm on May 8, Baum …

Communication & NetworkingeventsJob SearchRecruitmentRelationships & Personal GrowthSocial Media

Webinar: How to Use Social Media to Find a Job in This Recession

You’ve received a lot of free advice on this blog over the past few years, and some of you have even subscribed to Personal Branding Magazine or listened to Personal Branding TV.  Before my new book, Me 2.0, hits bookshelves internationally on April 7th, I’m going to be holding a one time only webinar to …

Communication & Networkingeventsgen-yLifestyle & Habit BuildingMe 2.0Relationships & Personal GrowthSocial Media

The Road to Me 2.0: Presentation at MIT and Book Cover Revealed!

I’ve been thinking about when to start promoting my book, and let’s face it, I already have. The one big detail I haven’t revealed is the cover or the structure of the book. The official title of my book is called “Me 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success.” I’ve spoke about how …

Book ReviewsCommunication & NetworkingeventsLifestyle & Habit BuildingNewsRelationships & Personal Growth

10/23/08: Personal Branding News and Recommendations

Personal branding news

Personal Branding Magazine

The big news next week is that the sample issue of Personal Branding Magazine Volume 2, Issue 2 comes out on Monday, for you to download free of charge. The full paid issue will be made available on November 1st. I will discuss this in depth next week and …

Book ReviewseventsNewsRelationships & Personal Growth

9/19/08: Personal Branding News and Recommendations

Hot events

Brazen Boston

Brazen Careerist, a company started by Ryan Paugh, Ryan Healy and Penelope Trunk, is coming to my hometown (Boston). For those who haven’t heard of this company, they are an online community and career center for Gen-Y. The community boasts over 100 Gen-Y thought leader bloggers, whose combined insight and ideas …