Category: eBrand

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Personal Branding Interview: Adam Penenberg

Today, I spoke to Adam Penenberg,who is the author of Viral Loopand has written for Forbes, The New York Times, Fast Company, Inc., Slate, Wired, The Economist, Mother Jones and Playboy. Currently he’s a Contributing Writer to Fast Company.  In this interview, Adam introduces us to the concept of a “viral loop,” and then explains …

eBrandMarketingPersonal BrandingPositioningSocial MediaSuccess Strategies

How to Brand Yourself Without Alienating Your Company

There are a ton of arguments and insights on the struggle between personal branding and corporate branding in the blogosphere and through different organizations right now. This might be the hottest topic in this space based on what I’ve read and experienced for myself, being a brand behind a Fortune 200 brand, lately.  I’m prone …