Questions to Ask Yourself Before Quitting Your Job
Everyone had moments of being fed up with their jobs at some point in their lives. Sure, quitting your job frees you up for a lot of other possibilities but is it really the solution? Are you ready to search for another job or follow your passion to start your own business? Maybe you want …
Does Passion Guarantee Success?
“I always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter.” Walt Disney
Have you ever found yourself sitting at a table with someone who only talks about themselves excessively and their theories about life and business are juvenile, overly simplistic and …
What it takes to become an Agile Careerist
Recently I was interviewed about what it means to me to be an Agile Careerist.
A friend I have come to know from the SOBCON events, Marti Konstant, asked me to talk with her for a book she is writing on being an Agile Careerist.
I’ve known Marti for a few years and I like …
Time to Declare Your CAREER Independence?
SINCE I AM WRITING THIS ON THE FOURTH OF JULY I GOT TO THINKING ABOUT THE WHOLE CONCEPT OF INDEPENDENCE, and specifically, about the true meaning behind our country’s Independence Day. It’s not just about the cookouts or the fireworks displays. Nor is it about having another long weekend. Rather, in essence, it’s about how …
7 Ideas to Increase Your Follower Numbers
Working to increase following on social media automatically bring up a few problematic situations:
1. In the early stage of business, it appears as if more people un-follow than follow you – if that’s even possible.
2. Trying to increase numbers is time consuming and detracts from value driven projects.
3. You begin to wonder …
Things Successful People Do on Weekends
If you think that the best thing you can on weekends is absolutely nothing, you are completely wrong! Sure, you need to time to relax and rest but this doesn’t mean that you should sit down on a coach and do nothing but watch TV for all day long. You should take control of your …
Choosing the Right Recruiting Firm
Recruiting is time-consuming; it’s often an arduous and complex process finding the candidates themselves. Just as difficult for most companies is finding the right headhunting firm to represent their organization.
The search means discerning who will maintain high standards of employer branding and ultimately procure the necessary talent in order to further the company’s competitive …
7 Essential Tips for Better Storytelling
The best storytellers lead the tribe.
The best stories are short.
The best stories are memorable.
The best stories are actionable.
239 Years Ago
There was a story ready to be told. It was short, it was powerful. It was worth fighting for. Of course, I’m referring to the story that lead to the creation …
6 Ways to Search for New Job & Not Risk Current One
If YOU ALREADY HAVE A JOB, BUT FEEL THE NEED OR DESIRE TO SEARCH FOR A NEW ONE, HOW IN THE WORLD WILL YOU EVER CONDUCT AN EFFECTIVE NEW JOB SEARCH WITHOUT UNDULY RISKING YOUR CURRENT POSITION? Admittedly, it takes some careful planning and precise execution, but it certainly is possible—if you go about it …
3 Wordplay Tricks For Winning Big Deals
Your winning in business cannot depend on others taking a lot of time to understand you and what you mean. If you have had a cover letter and resume simply go into the email trash bin of an HR department, without your receiving even an acknowledgment of your existence, you know you haven’t mastered the …