How to Write a Persuasive Email
Email persuasion is about what you say and when you say it.
Aspects such as the day of the week, frequency of communication, consistency in tone and the right amount of simplicity all factor in our ability to persuade via written correspondence. They are the main variables that comprise influential email formulation.
Whether you are …
5 Ways To Get Yourself Out Of A Career Funk
Having an “off” day is one thing; feeling like you’re constantly churning with no end in sight can exhaust you and result in a life of misery. In an era where the lines are blurry between work and life, feeling an overwhelming drudgery for your work is unhealthy for the mind and physical being.
Whether …
5 Tricks to Stay Motivated When Working at Home
Staying motivated at work can be hard but for remote employees it can be downright impossible.
Unlike an office environment, at home there are a ton of temptations and distractions that can easily sap your productivity and your career trajectory.
“Working from home is essentially an independent way of working. Even if you have managers …
Massage and Redirect Business Aches into New Revenue Streams
Unfortunately, most entrepreneurs find themselves alone with thoughts of quitting when initial trials continually turn out to be errors. Depression sets in while the thought of quitting the endeavor magnifies to appear as the only option. But we all know that options are infinite.
The next choice is what truly matters. When these down days …
What Do You Get When You Fall in Love?
Some people fill the world with silly love songs, wrote Paul McCartney. As a career coach, I wish they did not, at least when it came to falling in love with a certain company. I am alarmed by the number of clients who come to me with certainty about how perfect a specific company is …
Power to the People: Glassdoor’s Speaker Series Debuts
Glassdoor is excited to announce its new Speaker Series, welcoming influential leaders, visionaries and extraordinary people to share their stories with Glassdoor employees. This new program debuted with Glassdoor’s very own co-founder and chairman, Rich Barton. In a talk on the power of transparency and doing what’s right for ‘the little guy – and gal,’ …
Communication is Key to Winning
Everyone could use a little help with communications skills from time to time. The same is true for the work environment. Since we all have limited time to communicate, we should try to make the best of it. When you talk with people, you define your relationship with them. Choose your words carefully and you …
The Do’s and Don’ts of Marketing Interviewing
For the majority of companies, marketing recruiting is one the most difficult human resources activities. Subject complexity has made it nearly impossible for HR representatives to determine job applicant aptitude based on their technical abilities.
What they do know is their desired end-goal. With limited knowledge, hiring managers and recruiters do their best to determine …
Would You Improve Communication With Your Clientele?
Many people make the pronouncement that they specialize in… Only when you approach them to learn more, it turns out they don’t know a whole lot about your segment of the population. Their misleading statement turns into wasted time and frustration.
The improved approach is to wait until you fully understand your targeted clientele before …
10 People You Should Suck Up to at Work
Nobody likes a brownnoser. Most people can detect insincerity a mile off, and the slime that emanates from someone engaged in networking is almost palpable. Unfortunately, it is true that the majority of jobs are landed via personal connections.
So how do you get closer to the people at work without acting like a creepy …