What You Can Learn from Millennials in the Workplace
The world has changed so much in so few years that some people are finding hard to adapt this constant change. However, millennials are great at adaptability. Thus, businesses can learn from them and apply new strategies for doing business. Below you can find some of those strategies which you can learn from millennials.
How Soon Should You Update Your LinkedIn Profile
You just started a new job. You are bursting at the seams.
You want EVERYONE to know. But … Are you wondering:
After starting a new job … How soon should you update your LinkedIn profile?
Of course … You are excited. You really want to tell everyone.
However, give yourself two weeks.
Yes, two …

Three Strategies to Improve Sales Success
Excitement always increases when we are about to meet with a prospective client. We imagine the best of all worlds coming together in one meeting. But many times reality arrives in the middle of a meeting when it seems that we are on a collision course with the other party. Knowing how to avoid similar …

Can Career Assessment Tests Help You?
Whether you are at the beginning of your career or have many years of experience in different fields and still not sure what to do for the rest of your life, taking a career test can be helpful in expediting your process of identifying a new career. Career tests are great for eliminating career mistakes …

What’s Your Personal BHAG for 2017?
Have you set yours yet?
If yes, how’s it going?
If not, now is a good time to consider your BHAG for 2017.
What is a BHAG?
If you read the seminal book “Good to Great” by Jim Collins this will not be a new term to you. If you haven’t gotten around to reading …

Why Employees Should Think Like Freelancers
Being your own boss. Working from your couch. Taking as much holiday as you want, whenever you want it.
To the desk-bound employee, going freelance can seem like the ultimate dream. Until you look into it, and realize how much hard work it is. Constantly hustling for clients and worrying about making rent this month? …

Expertly Move from Possibility to Success
As valid sales possibilities rise in number, you experience the feeling of hope and motivation on the rise. It is the hope and motivation that inspire you to continue forging ahead in seeking out possible new clients or the best possible new job. Without hope, the motivation to persevere declines and then the thought of …

Who is Challenging your Thinking?
If you don’t have someone regularly challenging your thinking my recommendation is to get someone to fill that role … today.
It could be a friend, a peer or a mentor. Or, as you’ll see below it could be someone you have never met and will never meet.
I’m sure you are finding that your …

How Do People Judge You?
Although we don’t like to admit it, we are continually judged by others. Consistency in words, actions, and deeds are essential. Word of mouth travels very rapidly online, and so it’s important that only admired verbiage speaks on your behalf. The way in which you become known or people define you is known as your …

3 Killer Recruiting Mistakes Small Businesses Make
As someone who started a business from an apartment, I can empathize with entrepreneurs and I constantly root for the start-ups who come to our recruiting firm for employees. As a matter of fact, we have an entire group solely dedicated to small business clients simply because entrepreneurial firms need significantly more help with their …