Category: Career & Wealth

Career & WealthmanagementRelationships & Personal Growth

Cash Is King In Small Business

In my last post titled Big Revenues for Small Businesses, we considered the need for an organized sales function to drive revenue growth and allow the owner/entrepreneur to gain back critical time for general management activities… and possibly work/life balance improvements.

So, let’s assume you have your sales function well organized and revenues are ramping …

Career & WealthCommunication & NetworkingSocial Media

One Geometric Principle Smartly Leverages Business

Business operating with a single threaded mindset rarely survives for very long. These owners are the same ones who frequently proclaim, “You should do” but it’s usually a singular piece of a complex puzzle.

Unfortunately most people who make pronouncements like that aren’t aware of the missing pieces. But by putting them all together to …

Career & WealthmanagementRelationships & Personal Growth

Big Revenue for Small Businesses

In case you missed it, I just completed a series of posts that addressed Big Challenges for Small Business Owners. The three challenge discussed were people, finances and time. Assuming you have these three big challenges under control, what’s next?

Let me suggest one obvious topic: Sales.

Many successful entrepreneurs and small business owners have …