Personal Branding Interview: Rodney Rumford
Today, I spoke with Rodney Rumford, who is best known for his Face Reviews blog, as well as his commitment to the social media world. In this interview, I grill Rodney on Twitter, which, in my opinion, is one of the greatest personal branding tools ever created. Twitter allows you to bypass hierarchies and connect …
Personal Branding Interview: Sally Hogshead
Today, I spoke with Sally Hogshead, who gives sound advice on how to radically engineer your career and why doing things differently than everyone else will help you stand out. She is an author, speaker and media commentator, who brings years of experience to this interview. We talk about her fancy website, some of the …
Personal Branding Interview: Bestselling Author Susan RoAne
Today, I spoke with Susan RoAne, who is a bestselling author and speaker. Her latest book is called Face to Face: How to Reclaim the Personal Touch in a Digital World. In this interview, we spoke about online communication versus offline communication, and the differences in technique. Susan also mentions how to manage your own …
Personal Branding Interview: Debbie Weil
Today, I spoke with Debbie Weil, who is known as the top expert when it comes to CEO blogs. She’s been very effective at positioning herself and has even wrote a book called The Corporate Blogging Book to further her brand over the past two years. Debbie is a very talented blogger and I’ve been …
Discover Your Brand With Issue 7 of Personal Branding Magazine
Personal Branding Magazine Volume 2, Issue 3 focuses on the first step of the personal branding process, brand discovery. Many people rush into personal branding, without first taking precious time to discover who they are and what they want to do for the …
Do You Know Your Audience?
A friend sent me an email the other day asking for help. “Can you read through my blog post and make some suggestions for how to improve it?” he asked.
“Sure.” I replied. “Could you tell me who your audience is? I can’t evaluate anything without knowing who you’re writing for.”
His response showed that …
Former Playboy Editor Spills His Journalism Secrets
Today, I spoke with Jamie Malanowski, who is a former managing editor for Playboy. Jamie gives you the inside scoop, from behind the scenes, on how to build a strong personal brand in journalism. We go over how he got his job, how the Playboy brand has impacted his personal brand, some tips and how …

The Most Unexploited Tools in Your Personal Brand: Your Name
The largest words on any resume should be your name. As the text that will be seen and repeated the most throughout life, what can you do to make your name leave a positive impression? Let’s talk about tools to help your personal brand.
First, some terminology.There are two kinds of names:
Anthroponyms – …
Personal Brand Economic Survival Tactics
Today, I spoke with Mary Ellen Slayter, who is the senior editor for SmartBrief on Workforce. Our focus for this interview was on economic survival tactics for both the employed and unemployed. Mary gives great advice about how to ask for a promotion, even when budgets are tight and people are getting laid off. She …
President G.W. Bush: The Brand Challenge
He served his country to the best of his ability for 8 long years. Yet despite his good intentions his nation did not seem to approve of his actions. And so, after countless hours campaigning and nearly a decade of public service, he leaves behind a personal brand in shambles. This is not the legacy …