Office Gift-Giving Rules
Holidays are the greatest time of the year. However, it also stresses some of us due to the ritual of giving and receiving gifts. Many questions pop up in our heads. Should I give a gift to my boss or to all my coworkers? How can I keep it professional yet give something meaningful? Can …

Ways to Use Holiday Season to Your Advantage
You can always develop your career if you really want and believe it or not holidays are perfect for it. During holiday season, it is easier to get in touch with people because you have a perfectly valid reason for it. Therefore, it is up to you to use this excuse and advance your career. …

30 Things You Should Never Say to Your Boss
Open communication in the workplace is good but there are some lines that should not be crossed. Therefore, you should be careful when speaking to your boss and instead of directly saying what’s on your mind; you should reframe your thoughts. Especially, you should avoid using the below phrases. Otherwise, you can ruin your career.…

Setting Your Boundaries on Social Media
Nowadays, with the rise of the social media, it is very hard for many to separate between personal and professional lives. However, if you want to keep your professional credibility and personal brand, you need to learn how to set your boundaries on social media and be careful about whom you add to which social …

Stop Trying to Be Perfect, Just Be Yourself!
Perfection can be a motivation killer. The more you put pressure to yourself, the more stressed you will be. When you get stressed, your motivation and health will get affected from it and your performance will decrease eventually. Instead of focusing on being perfect, you should focus on being your best. In this way, you …

You’ve Got 3 Minutes. What Will You Say?
Everything cannot be boiled down to 3 minute increments.
Nor should they be..
However, there are times when that’s all the time you have. Sometimes you have even less. Perhaps as little as 8 seconds. (Have I already lost you?)
Do you need the full three minutes?
For the sake of argument let’s just say …

Are Your Silent thoughts Providing New Direction?
Logical thinkers who use analytics and hard facts 100% of the time may well dismiss the following insight. However, it is always best to take into consideration the ideas of those who think the exact opposite of you. Why?
Should you be open to one new idea, it may prove to be an idea that …

Personal Branding Cosplay
Every year, San Diego opens its doors to the nerds of the world with the world famous San Diego Comic Con (SDCC). A weekend long gathering of movie stars, comic book artists and the fans that adore them, it has grown in size so much that major movie corporations save special movie previews to release …

What Makes a Dream Job and Dream Company?
It is not enough for employees to only do what they like anymore. They also want to do this in a company that they love. They not only want to work on their dream job but also want to work in an ideal environment, with ideal people aka in their dream company.
According to a …

7 Inspirational Instagram Accounts to Follow for Your Career
Many of you probably use Instagram to follow the lives of your friends and family members and maybe learn about the current fashion trends and discover exotic travel destinations. How about getting some career inspiration while scrolling down through your news feed? Below are the Instagram accounts to follow in order to get the drive …