Category: Articles


10 phrases people often misuse when they’re trying to sound more intelligent, says psychology

There’s a fine line between sounding intelligent and just trying too hard.

Psychology tells us that people often misuse certain phrases in a bid to appear smarter than they actually are.

This can backfire, leaving them sounding more pretentious than profound.

I’m here to highlight some of these commonly misused phrases.

By understanding them better, …


5 unique traits almost all highly successful people possess, according to psychology

When we think about highly successful people, it’s easy to picture extraordinary talent, relentless ambition, or perhaps just plain luck. But there’s far more to success than meets the eye.

True success is often rooted in less obvious traits—the habits, mindsets, and ways of thinking that set these individuals apart from the crowd.

These traits …

ArticlesPersonal Branding

9 incredible things that will happen once you delete social media from your life, says a psychologist

Have you ever stopped to think about how social media is affecting your life?

It’s easy to brush it off as harmless scrolling or a way to stay connected, but the truth is, excessive social media use can quietly chip away at your mental health, happiness, and overall well-being.

Psychologists have increasingly pointed out the …