Category: Articles

ArticlesPersonal Branding

If you want to live life with greater joy and optimism, say goodbye to these 8 behaviors

Greater joy and optimism — sounds like the ingredients for a fulfilling life, doesn’t it?

Yet, many of us unknowingly hold onto habits that weigh us down, dimming our outlook and stealing our happiness.

The truth is, sometimes the path to a brighter, more fulfilling life isn’t about doing more, but letting go of what …

ArticlesPersonal Branding

Women who were brought up by emotionally distant mothers usually display these 8 traits later in life

The way we’re raised shapes us in countless ways, and this is particularly true when it comes to our mothers. When a mother is emotionally distant, it can have a profound impact on her daughter’s development.

Hi there, I’m Tina Fey, founder of the Love Connection blog and a relationship expert. I’ve spent years studying …

ArticlesPersonal Branding

9 signs someone is self-centered and has very little empathy, according to psychology

It’s important to know the difference between being confident and being self-centered. It’s even more critical to recognize when someone lacks empathy.

Understanding this isn’t always straightforward, but psychology gives us a helping hand.

In this article, I’m going to share nine clear signs that someone is self-centered and has very little empathy, according to …

ArticlesPersonal Branding

If you want to be truly happy, stay single until you find someone with these 8 personality traits

Let’s face it, finding true happiness in a relationship isn’t about settling for just anyone.

It’s about finding that special someone who possesses certain personality traits that make you feel good about yourself and the relationship. As Tina Fey, founder of the Love Connection blog, and yes, a self-proclaimed relationship expert, I can tell you …

ArticlesPersonal Branding

People who tend to overthink at night usually display these 9 behaviors (without realizing it)

Overthinking at night is something many of us are guilty of, even if we don’t realize it.

The difference between simple reflection and overthinking, however, lies in the outcome. Reflecting on your day can provide clarity, while overthinking typically leads to unnecessary stress and worry.

What’s interesting is that those of us who tend to …

ArticlesPersonal Branding

If you want to be more joyful to be around as you get older, say goodbye to these 7 behaviors

As we age, the way we interact with others can have a big impact on our relationships and overall happiness. Nobody wants to be that person who unintentionally pushes people away or brings down the mood. Instead, most of us strive to be someone others enjoy being around—someone who radiates positivity and leaves a lasting …