Category: Articles

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Using Evernote to Write Your Brand Building Book

More and more, I’m using Evernote as a writing tool during the 4 steps involved in getting published–or self-publishing–a brand-building book: Planning, Writing, Promoting, and Profiting.

Profit from the cloud

Evernote is an excellent example of cloud computing, where files are stored online, on remote servers. Evernote users can create and save notes and notebooks …

Articlesauthors cornerguest postPersonal BrandingSuccess Strategies

Writing a Book to Build Your Brand

The biggest challenges new authors face when writing a brand-building book is the need to organize their ideas, followed by the need to track their progress and maintain their enthusiasm.

Here’s a simple, affordable set of low-tech organizing tools that will pay big dividends as you write your first brand-building book…tools that you continue to …

ArticlesBrand Yourself AsCareer DevelopmentJob SearchPersonal Branding

Simplifying Personal Branding for Job Seekers

Terror, anxiety, stress, depression, overwhelm, and a sense of hopelessness permeates the entire process of securing employment.  Have you ever considered that job seekers need to master more skills than a CEO of a Fortune 500 company?  While CEO’s hire and surround themselves with qualified experts in diverse disciplines, job seekers must master most disciplines …

Articlesauthors cornerguest postMarketingPersonal BrandingSocial MediaSuccess Strategies

Make Your Personal Brand Stand Out From The Competition

Here are a 3 simple ways you can make your personal brand stand out from your competition:

Be helpful. Be brief. Be consistent.

Helpful, brief, and consistent will serve you well, whether you’re writing an article, a book, an e-mail, preparing a podcast, or delivering a speech.

Helpful (because it’s not about you)

Success is …