The Success Sacrifice
To get what we really seek in life, we must have points of sacrifice. By “sacrifice” I mean, giving up one thing, in order to obtain another. For example, if you …
What Should be Included in a Resume?
What is a resume? The majority of the population view a resume as a piece of collateral that is a prerequisite for obtaining an interview. Those who have enriched resumes, will be granted an interview and those with resumes that are inadequate will lose opportunities. Today I would like to share my philosophy for creating …
5 Inputs of Success
Focus: Find a subject that interests you, focus in on it and then figure out how to position yourself accordingly, in order to step into that field. Those who have focus, do not waste precious time on subject matter that is not relevant. My tip here is to do your homework by researching different job …
Giving back
Throughout your life, you have viewed others helping nearby communities, donate to charities and volunteer to support local causes. There is a reason for all of these acts and although it seems obvious, I consider the act of giving and receiving a life cycle. Giving back, in my opinion, solidifies your future successes because helping …
If you can dream it…you can do it
I finally put all my dreams together and modeled it for all of you to see. There is of course logic as to why I want to own a “meeting place”, charitable organization and consulting firm, but you will just have to figure that out on your own. This post is supposed to get you …
Overcoming Obstacles
In our lives, there have always been obstacles or threats that hinder our success. In order to properly overcome these obstacles, we must first state the various threat possibilities that we notice every day. Here are some of a few (pertaining to success in the workplace):
Parents Peers Opportunity Limitations Poor Management / Mentoring Company…Climbing the Corporate Ladder
Wanting to climb the corporate ladder? This article has a graphic that demonstrates the pyramid of corporate ladder, and describes how to move up the pyramid in a normal corporate hierarchy.
The PyramidThis pyramid represents the routine transition from new employee, into management, into director, vice president and then as CEO.
Moving Up The…Act the part
Ever wonder which employees get promoted to management and which stay stationary at their current positions? This question has posed a lengthy debate for a long time for me. I used to think that working hard, accomplishing your organizational goals and establishing relationships was the path towards escalation up the corporate hierarchy. My new thoughts …
Success is in Process
Improving the process of your job will compliment the success of your business. Have you ever been frustrated from countless engagements with management in order to get something approved? If you answered “yes”, then you understand that there must be a more efficient process and selection criteria for accomplishing ones job. The Six Sigma practice …
Selling Yourself First
Before you intend on marketing your goods and services to consumers, you must first take into consideration that they are not just purchasing these items from your company. You, as the marketer are the clients communication link for handling their account and are responsible for upholding fair business practices. The more experience and credibility you …