Kill the Fear of Following Your Passion
You have to passionately want to differentiate yourself from others. You must be inflamed about this idea. Not just because I want it for you but because you can’t imagine doing anything but going for it.
The shocking, surprising, and sad fact is that few people do have fire in their belly from passion and …

Questions Make You a Great Communicator
Ask more questions: If It Was Good Enough for Plato, It’s Good Enough for You
An inquiring mind leads to better communication and avoidance of mutual mystification. Without your incessant clamoring for more information from others, you are fumbling around in the dark. That adds to why most communication is messy, emotional, irrational, unclear, and …

What is Good Communication?
Most everyone claims to be a good communicator. But what does that really look like?
A good communicator:
-Stays engaged.
-Can carry a conversation.
-Knows what’s going on in the world.
-Puts thoughts forward clearly without ambiguity.
-Is able to articulate pretty specifically what he is doing or learning.
-Has the ability to influence without …

Self-Confidence is Everything
Penguins in Antarctica are described by scientists who have studied them for 23 years as undaunted, without self doubt, and with a good attitude.
That’s my definition of confidence. Once somebody’s got confidence, you’ve got something.
What confidence is not: -moral superiority -organization-chart title -tan skin and white teeth -grin and grip
What does confidence …

Take Calculated Risks
There is a saying among old cowboys out West: “One man with courage is the majority.”
When I write about courage, intestinal fortitude, guts, and boldness to differentiate yourself, it’s not to encourage you to do stupid, risky things. I’m not looking for the daredevil mentality that causes you to rappel off the Brooklyn Bridge …

Leaders Are Constant Learners
To differentiate yourself, you don’t have to have an especially high IQ. No matter who you are or what your background or current circumstance is, one thing is certain: you can always learn, explore, and experiment in new arenas. You only need to be reasonably intelligent and insatiably curious. You can never know too much; …

A Downside to Success
A caution about your pouring your heart into your “art”: it will spark jealousy.
Surprisingly one of the toughest parts of success is finding a colleague happy for you. But as they say, “Anyone can get pity. Jealousy you have to earn.”
Following the advice in the PersonalBranding blog might cause you some trouble. When …

Every Decision is a Calculated Risk
Don’t wallow in indecision.
Problems are solved by making decisions; problems are avoided by making good decisions. The sooner you make a decision, the sooner you benefit from it. The earlier you make a bad decision, the sooner you can correct it.
The unanimous response from CEOs and C-level executives when I’ve asked the question, …

Take Calculated Risks for Career Advancement
I’m not asking for utter fearlessness and risk without thinking. Just “go for it” a little more and more often than you have in the past—and more often than others do. If you hold back, you’ll get into a rut, slip behind, fade out of sight, and sink into the sameness of the people around …

Why is a Positive Attitude Important
It’s human nature to gravitate toward people, information, or places that imply a happier outlook. You provide that outlook for yourself, one that no one can take away. Frankly, few of us have any justification for the negative, pessimistic perspective that we let ourselves get bogged down with. No matter what you’re going through that’s …