Get Leadership Coaching But Don’t Admit You Got It

5 Steps to Manage Conflict Better
Most people say they hate conflict, yet avoiding it causes more problems. In today’s culturally diverse, multigenerational workforce it’s bound to happen. Conflicts can be frequent, often petty, and very costly between people speaking different languages, from different generations, and having different religious beliefs and cultural norms. Tempers flare and regrettable things are said.
You …

What Is Leadership Charisma
-They excite their staff by constantly introducing new ideas.
-Have a creative ability that inspires others. -Bring energy and focus to implementing new ideas. -Change with the time at breakneck speed.…
You’re In Control of Your Brain

Get Coaching But Don’t Tell People

Control Your Attitude Or Someone Will Do It For You

Choose a Productive, Constructive Perspective Rather Than a Destructive
If I haven’t made it clear enough in my last two posts, let me recap that if given a choice, your managers and colleagues prefer to have around them an individual who:
Has an inexhaustible good nature and is habitually affable.
Has a determined cheerfulness and is easygoing even in adversity.
Is happily disposed …

Attitude is Everything to Your Boss
CEOs tell me about the importance of managing your good attitude:
“I can easily hire qualified people, but it’s not so easy to find people with a good outlook.”
“I hire attitude. Skills can be learned. I’ll take good attitude any day.”
“I can teach people the technical side of the business a lot easier …

You Are In Control of Your Attitude, and Only You
The only things you can control in this world are your attitudes and your effort. You have little or no say over the craziness of your colleagues, boss, the government, or your family, but you can take charge of your own actions and how you interact with others. As a thinking adult, your outlook on …

Do a Self-Check as to Where You Are in Your Career
A Personal Relevance Reality Check
Take a moment for a personal relevance reality check because at any age these painful things can start happening to you, and if they do, you’ll want to change your course of behavior:
-You increasingly feel that your smarts aren’t getting you anywhere, that your skills aren’t being used.
-You …