Leaders Needed: Apply Within
It’s Not Too Early or Too Late
You have to continue to differentiate yourself at each stage in your career. Regardless of your age, at every point in your life, there is a younger person eager to step into your job. If you are 30 years old, there is an impatient 20-something coming up on …

Job Promotions Come From a Few Right Words From the Right People
You see, right now, private conversations are taking place in secret sessions. Behind closed doors with shades drawn, management muckity-mucks sitting in high-back leather chairs are thinking hard about you and a smattering of your competitors. One person is enthusiastically singled out with the confirmatory statement, “He’s different.” Someone asks, “What do you mean?” and …

This is Why Personal Branding Needs to be Important to You
I know you’re a solid citizen. You’re a quick learner and truly smart. You try hard. You’re pretty cool. You get along with people. You set a respectable example. You want to help and connect with others, to serve society. You aim to contribute meaningful work. You have dreams and goals to achieve something groundbreaking. …

A Good Work Ethic is Needed Now
Everything I write in any of my books or blogs is for naught if you don’t get the job that you are paid to do successfully completed—and more. It doesn’t impress bosses at all if you just do what is required.
Stellar work is your personal wealth: your worldly goods, trust fund, gold stash, life …

Tenacity Wins Every Time
If you are willing to consistently persevere, no person, outside force, current circumstance, or future obstacle can keep you from your destiny. If that means following up with some opportunity 4 times or 14, you need to do it. Now, you also need not be tedious, irritating, or bothersome, but you can be creative. Experts …

Put Passion Into Your Work
It’s up to you to start and kindle the fire in you. No one can do it for you. A spouse might push you, a boss who sees potential might press you, a life-changing situation (divorce, death of someone close, job termination, birth of a child, or something else) might prompt a flicker. As is …

Love Your Job
Maybe you are fortunate enough to be making a living in the arena of your choosing. Pro golfers come to mind, as do most any other professional athletes. These people have gotten so good at their obsession that they get to earn money for doing it.
Despite our weekend warrior talent, few of us will …

Persistence Pays
The truth is that persistence and drive override skill. When people say “no,” it’s a “no” for now. It doesn’t mean you can’t or shouldn’t come back with a new approach. One CEO told me, “I always give ‘no’ as the first answer, and only if they don’t give up but have the confidence to …

Success Breeds Jealousy
Surprisingly one of the toughest parts of success is finding a colleague happy for you. But as they say, “Anyone can get pity. Jealousy you have to earn.”
Following the advice in my blog posts might cause you some trouble. When you persistently do off-the charts good work, the unintended consequence is that you make …

What Your Boss Wants
CEOs tell me that they want people:
Who are full of ambition and goals.
Who sing—well, silently hum—at work.
Who stretch themselves every day and who always have new challenges they’re hankering to take on.
Who get an emotional kick out of any accomplishment.
Who are juiced (in the nonsteroid way) every morning to get …