Live Curiously – Ask the Question
There is one school of thought that says … Never ask a question you don’t know the answer to. I think this is stupid and it defeats the purpose and intent of a question.
Another school of thought is that there is no stupid question. I like this mode of thinking a lot more and …
The Best Way to Lead is to Follow
Many people have this misconception about leadership.
They think leading others is directing the troops. Setting a vision, telling people what to do, and keeping everyone on track .While leadership is all of these, the real difference between good and great leadership is empowerment.
If the CEO of a company maintains complete control on all …
Are You A Catalyst?
There is a popular saying paraphrased from Gandhi that says, “be the change you want to see in the world”. I adapted this for this article to say “be the catalyst you want to see in the world”, someone who makes good things happen. This creates energy, vitality, good will and ultimately results and success.…
What’s Worse than No Plan?
There are times in life when it’s great to have no plan. Days at the beach, drives in the car, and if you are lucky … the time to be able to spend weeks exploring back roads at your leisure.
Take advantage of those times while you can. However, for most people, they don’t last …
5 Reasons Your Resume Is Killing You
In today’s economy, employers are receiving hundreds or even thousands of resumes every single day. One hiring manager for a Fortune 500 company told me that he recently received over 12,000 resumes for one position!
Hiring managers will not take the time to determine why you should be hired. It’s your job to present your …
Do You Handle Rejection or Does It Handle You?
Dealing with rejection is a major bummer.
Whether it is from a date, a client or a job posting, rejection tends to bring up the worst kind of questions in ourselves: the plague of self-doubt.
“Was it me? Am I good enough? Of course I’m not good enough. I knew this would happen!”
And before …
Expect Delays, Even When There is No Sign
An early morning a couple weeks ago I was headed to a work conference. It ended up that this conference wasn’t at the typical convention center or hotel. Instead, it was located at a retreat out in the woods. While scenic, the road leading there was naturally winding and heavily wooded.
At one point, where …
Cool, Clever Trends Help Personal Branding!
I have been watching, following and studying trends for many years. To see how demographics, events, cycles all intersect, converge and impact our lives in such immediate and long lasting ways is fascinating! The financial and banking collapse at the end of 2008, was a long time in coming, but once it hit it changed …
Create Your Personal Brand…then Be It!
I just finished writing my third book and included a section on branding. Putting it together was eye-opening because it forced me to think about my personal brand. After all, in telling other creative professionals how to innovate and advance their brands, I thought about whether I was following my own advice.
One thing I …
How to Know When Your Personal Brand Isn’t Working
You’ve taken all the right steps. You came up with your personal brand, made business cards, customized your resume, wrote cover letters, accumulated recommendations, compiled a portfolio/blog/website, completed your social media profiles, and set up your professional, brand-compatible email account. You’ve networked, applied for jobs, and put yourself out there.
But after all that work, …