Not Blessed with the Bliss Gene?
You either have it or you don’t. New neuroscience reveals that 20% of the population has what is best described as a innate marijuana-making machine in their brains, resulting in – among other things – a low probability of becoming addicted to opiates and the like. It’s a gene mutation, the good kind.
Beyond the …
How to Increase Traffic with Highly Shareable Content
The surefire way to drive traffic to your website is to publish highly shareable and engaging content. Not only does this help enhance your SEO rankings, but also the higher social curation — provided it’s being shared — means that more people will see it. In turn, this will naturally increase your traffic, leads and …
Fairy Tales and Workplace Success
Most of us read fairy tales during our childhood. Did you ever notice that fairy tales actually show us ways of being successful in difficult situations? Also, they teach us how we should think and behave in order to survive in any condition. Therefore, we should not underestimate the importance of fairy tales as adults …
24 Life Questions To Answer Before It’s Too Late
As a career coach and business communications expert, I often surprise people by knowing something about them that they have never told me – and maybe never told anyone else. I am not psychic. I am empathetic.
When I ask you a question, and your brain re-routes it to give me an unrelated answer: I …
Did You Win a Grammy? Why Not?
Congratulations to everyone who won. And, congratulations to Kanye West who, persists in believing he is: “The One Who Decides What Is Sufficiently Creative to Win for Album of the Year.”
Per the Huffington Post: “Kanye West nearly interrupted Beck after the rock star won Album of the Year over Beyonce. Many outlets including HuffPost …
Career Mistakes You Should Avoid
Having a successful career is a long journey and this journey has many phases and turn points. In order to reach the ultimate point, you need to make smart moves and consider your decisions carefully. If you try to take risky short-cuts and make mistakes, these leave marks on your careers that are hard to …
Gang Member To Inspirational Entrepreneur With Ryan Blair
This week I got a chance to ask Ryan Blair, CEO and Co- Founder of ViSalus some questions. Coincidentally enough I actually read his book, Nothing to Lose Everything to Gain: How I Went from Gang Member to Multimillionaire Entrepreneur, before launching my first corporation several years back. Ryan has launched several businesses and inspired …
What Would Tom Brady Say About You?
Last Sunday, my favorite comment by any of the many sportscasters was this: “Brady was unstoppable when the pressure was strongest.”
What if we said that about you?
Are you unstoppable when the pressure is the strongest?
The strongest stress is when it all comes down to one action you must take in one moment, …
The #1 Relationship Problem That Stalls Your Career
All of us have experienced “relationship” problems. You might have a problem with your girlfriend or boyfriend, life partner, parent, sibling, business partner, best friend, roommate, boss, coworker or even a neighbor. Really, given the number of people in your life, especially when you add your FB fame or any other cyber group you’re in: …
5 Ways to Keep Your Goals for 2015
Achieving New Year’s goals happens so infrequently that many people have given up on goals all together. However, the problem with making plans to achieve success isn’t in the goals, but in the ability to stay the course. Here are 5 tips to making your goals a reality.
1) Own your goals. Much of a …