Which Personal Page For You: about.me or flavors.me?
As if you didn’t have enough online profiles to manage already, along come personal pages. But then… maybe the fact that there’s almost nothing to manage is what makes them so appealing?
What are personal pages?Personal pages, also called personal home pages, are one page websites that are meant to be used as web-based …
How to Develop a Webshow to Showcase Your Personal Brand
A webshow is a fabulous way to share your expertise while boosting your brand online. It’s an interactive way to reach your audience and help them get to know you in a way that written words on a blog simply cannot.
Here are a few steps to take to start your own showStep one: …
Creating Momentum in Brand Building
As I’ve blogged about recently, it’s important to keep up branding resolutions, add personal social media profiles to a corporate website, follow branding rules for entrepreneurs, and so forth.
And all of these ideas should be followed to ensure a complete branding across the social web. However, many of these rules assume you have fully …
Did TweetDeck Just Ruin Twitter For Us All?
Why you should avoid Deck.ly’s dreaded long tweets and more.
One thing I like to teach is that if you want someone to do something, make it as easy as possible for them to do it. Sometimes this advice can backfire when it comes to something that you DON’T want people to do.
TweetDeck, recently …
7 Hits and Misses of LinkedIn’s Fancy New inMaps
LinkedIn’s new inMaps gives you a cool snapshot of your entire LinkedIn network, but is it useful?
In the official announcement of inMaps, LinkedIn asks “Wouldn’t it be great if you could see the way all your connections are related to each other?” Well yes, it would. inMaps is a good start, but it has …
How Secure is Your Online Brand?
Have you ever gone to sign up on a website with your typical username, only to find that it’s been taken already?
As someone who cares about their online brand, it’s probably important to you to claim your username on several sites across the Web to ensure you can connect with individuals on various platforms.…
7 Handy New Twitter Timesavers
I’d be surprised if you don’t immediately grab at least one of these productivity-enhancers.
Quick tip on Jan. 28, 2011: I just discovered these tools recently and am still trying them myself. Some of them are very new and a little buggy, but if you like their concept (or even if you don’t), reply to …
A Cup of Coffee to a Quick Conversion Tip
MecLabs Marketing Experiments has again delivered a fantastic web clinic–this time on the topic of “One-to-One” Marketing.
Here’s the basic premise: One-to-One marketing is the end-point of segmentation. After drilling down into your audience, defining segments and identifying the data relevant to each segment, you finally end up in the position to talk directly to …
3 of the Latest Tools to Discover, Monitor & Control Your Online Brand
Your online brand is often someone’s first stop to learn more about the “real you.” Applying for a job opening? The hiring manager will likely Google you. Trying to bring on a new client? I’m sure they searched the Web, looking for positive or negative results about you and your company.
So, as much as …
New Years Resolutions for Entrepreneurs & Personal Branding
Happy New Year! As entrepreneurs begin another year of running their business, or decide that this is the year they will start their own company, here are some personal branding resolutions all entrepreneurs should have:
1) I will blog moreYou want to further your brand and expertise. There’s no better way than to share …