Personal Branding Helps Make Every Day Independence Day
Independence Day has special significance for me; it was on Independence Day when I decided to never again work for …
7 Tips for Finding Time to Build Personal Brand
Time management is an often-overlooked key to personal branding success; here are 7 strategies & tips for finding the time to build your personal brand.
A lack of time is no excuse for failing to invest in your future by building your personal brand.
These days, everyone faces the universal challenge of too much to …
What Do Your Words Say About Your Personal Brand?
Choose your words carefully: the words you use in articles, blog posts, and emails do more than just share information–they create a lasting impression of your personal brand.
The next time you’re tempted to dash off a blog post or email, slow down and reread your message.
Ask yourself: Are the words that I used …
Creative Briefs And Personal Branding Success
If you’re building your personal brand with the help of freelancers like copywriters, graphic designers, coaches, or web consultants, you should be preparing a creative brief for each project.
Creative briefs are short documents, typically just 1 or 2 pages long. They save time, money, and frustration by identifying the crucial elements of a project.…
Storytelling Tips For Personal Brand Building Success
Although there are a lot of books and blog posts describing the importance of storytelling as a personal brand building tool, there are a few that share a practical system for creating your own stories.
The exception is Raf Stevens’ No Story, No Fans: Build Your Business Through Stories that Resonate.
No Story, No Fans …
7 Tips For Successfully Raising Capital On Shark Tank
ABC’s Shark Tank provides free weekly tips showing what to do, and what not to do when it comes to raising investment capital to fund your business and your personal brand.
Although there’s nothing quite like the autonomy that comes from self-funding your business, in many cases, there may come a time when you need …
7 Tips For Increasing Your Writing Productivity
Content is the currency of content marketing for personal branding, but productivity–i.e., your ability to write as efficiently as possible–is the lever that can speed your journey to personal branding success.
Whether you’re writing articles, blog posts, resumes, books, or ebooks, to build your personal brand, the fundamentals of writing productivity remain the same.
Use …
How To Bounce Back From Personal Branding Disappointment
How you handle disappointment will play a major role in your personal branding success.
At some point or another, you may experience disappointment during your journey to personal branding success. An expected job offer may not materialize, your book may not sell as well as expected, or a recent marketing campaign may not attract qualified …
How To Build Your Brand And Sell More Books
If you’re an author who has written a book to build your personal brand, one of the best ways to sell more books is to offer bonus content that helps readers implement your ideas and encourages others to recommend your book.
Bonus content is one of the easiest and most practical ways you can set …
Habits, Blogging, and Personal Branding Success
Charles Duhigg’s best-selling The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business, describes how to change your habits and improve the way you’re blogging your way to personal branding success.
By taking a fresh look at your blogging habits, you can improve your ability to be consistently present with helpful, …