Tag: respect

PositioningReputation ManagementSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

8 signs you have a powerful reputation that commands respect from others

A powerful reputation is far from being the loudest person in the room or having an inflated sense of self.

It’s about walking into a space and feeling the quiet shift in energy—because people take you seriously.

It’s not built overnight, and it’s definitely not about manipulation. The people who truly command respect do so …

Brand Identity & Self-DiscoverymanagementRelationships & Personal GrowthWorkplace Success

4 Keys to Successful Teamwork

Effective teamwork is the number one rule of an organization’s success. It has many benefits such as increased productivity, improved work quality, increased employee morale and etc.  Putting together a great team may seem like a simple task. Hire the best individuals and there you go! Unfortunately, it doesn’t work like that in the real …

Relationships & Personal GrowthSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

Three Words About Your Future: Responsible, Respectful and Realistic

Incoming freshmen. Heed these words.


Career, Contacts and Optics. More on these later, but keep in mind that the way you handle yourself will define your current and future success.

Of course, this likely does not come as a surprise to most people.

I had the privilege and pleasure of dropping off our son …