Tag: relationships

Brand Identity & Self-DiscoverymanagementWorkplace Success

Evil Does Exist. It May be One of Your Coworkers.

Narcissists are among the most interesting coworkers. They are also repugnant, disruptive and poisonous to a business, and potentially to your career. That is, if your narcissist sees you as anything except a reflection of his or her greatness. So, you must interact with your narcissist as if everything she does deserves nothing but positive …

Career & WealthCommunication & Networking

Reach Larger Audiences with Succinct and Thoughtful Communication

Geometry tells us that a diagonal is the shortest path. Likewise, succinct communication with the end goal in mind is the shortest route for accomplishment. However, with communication it is necessary to be aware of balancing directness with diplomacy.

Providing and Accepting Feedback

Stomachs sometimes turn upon hearing very negative feedback. However, it is these …

Career & WealthReputation Management

Convert Annoyances into Content and Improved Relationships

Undoubtedly we have all been thoroughly annoyed in the past by someone else’ thoughtless behavior. This week a person trying to “sell me” contradicted her previous words regarding the monetary amount in question. Nothing irks me more than retracting what was initially agreed upon.

As business people, the most significant point to remember is the …