Tag: Recommended Sites

Career ResourcesJob SearchNetworkingSkill Development

LinkedIn: Five Tips for Developing Your Strategy

In my post last week we examined the concepts of LinkedIn visibility, credibility, and connect-ability. Much of the discussion centered around developing an effective profile that is more searchable (visibility) and that presents you as an authentic professional. Included were a few ideas for improving in these areas.

But, where do you go beyond this? …

Career & WealthCareer ResourcesWorkplace Success

Do Less and Get More Business Results in 2014

If you’re reading this blog post, you likely have lofty business resolutions in 2014 but a fixed amount of time to make them happen. A recent study from the University of Scranton states that just 8% of people actually accomplish their New Year’s Resolutions. You, like most Americans, have likely overcommitted. Statistically, you will more …

Relationships & Personal GrowthSocial Media

5 Ways to Expand Your Brand on Pinterest

Have you ignored Pinterest in your social media marketing because you think it’s just about recipes, crafts and other women’s interests? Then you might be surprised to discover that Pinterest produces 4-times more revenue per click than Twitter or Facebook, according to Social Media Today, which says, “Pinterest buyers spend more money, more often, on …