Give Your Personal Brand a Boost
Traditionally, brands and businesses have advertised online and offline as part of their marketing strategy. While this can be effective over time there is one marketing method that will grow your business like nothing else, and that is through word-of-mouth. In order to effectively harness the power of this natural force, it is important to …
Wrong Conversations Rule Workplace Communication
Back in December I wrote here about a new concept, The 4 Workplace Conversations.
It came out of a recent client case study. At the time I was facilitating a training session to help the senior leadership team of a client confront issues directly in a way that reduced workplace conflict.
This workplace communication model …
Stoke Your Passion and Elevate Your Career
Think back to the last thing you were passionate about. Not the thing (or things) you are passionate about right now. Rather something that you were wildly passionate about in the past. Now, think through the following questions:
How much time did you commit to it? How many things did you skip for it? Was…7 Lunches College Seniors Should Be Booking!
As college seniors count down the days of their traditional educational career, they should be counting how many influential lunches they have on the books. As the class of 2014 preps by accepting job offers and getting sized for their cap and gown, they should be willing to make a small investment in time and …
Five Tips for Improving Your Attitude
Are you happy with your boss, your income, your career progression to date, your opportunities for advancement, your choice of profession, your industry’s outlook and your employer’s culture? If so, then you probably don’t need to read this. If you are not happy with any of these, however, I want to help you. Consider this….…
Get Hired: How to Appear More Confident
When applying for a job today, it’s essential to appear confident in your communications with the hiring manager. Everyone knows that “looking the part” is important. That’s why job seekers wear nice clothes, style their hair professionally and obsess over the design of resumes.
But even when they’re fixating on details such as the style …
LinkedIn Is the Key to Your Next Job
If you’re in transition and looking for a job or you contemplate changing jobs, there’s nothing more powerful than learning how to be efficient at using the power of LinkedIn. Being listed on LinkedIn is a must. A study by Microsoft revealed that 70 percent of employers have rejected job candidates because of information they …
3 Ways To Brand Yourself As A Freelancer
There are more than 42 million freelance workers in the United States today.
If you’re one of them, branding yourself is absolutely necessary for getting noticed and making sure people remember the kind of freelance work you do. But too many freelance sites don’t do a good enough job of showcasing a memorable brand.
A …
How to Stand Out in a Group Interview
You finally get the interview with your dream company. On the interview day, you dress to impress and go to the interview location with full confidence. However, when you get into the interview room, there is a surprise for you. There are a bunch of other candidates waiting to interview for the same position as …
The Underappreciated Art Of No in Business
How to set respectful professional boundaries to avoid burnout.
In a rebounding economy, where many professionals and business owners are still trying to find their footing, it may be tempting to simply be grateful for opportunities and refrain from doing anything that might make you look like anything less than a team player. However, if …