Tag: Personal Branding

Career & WealthJob SearchRelationships & Personal Growth

‘Death by Interview’—What it can Cost YOUR Company

While the overall unemployment rate is definitely showing steady improvement, millions of men and women still are having trouble landing a job, or at least landing one in a timely manner. One primary reason for this is that some companies continue to drag out the entire interview process beyond any reasonable limits and then take …

Career & WealthRelationships & Personal GrowthWorkplace Success

Complementing Core Competency Strengthens Growth

Getting started in business is overwhelming to say the least. There are so many “have to” learn components. It’s not just about your core service, but also about business development and communication to attract interest in your services. For most people, they are horrified to learn they need to become a salesperson too. And for …

Career & WealthNetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthWorkplace Success

You’re Losing Money by not Using These Prospecting Tips

How to leverage Google and LinkedIn for high-level prospecting.

One of the things that surfaces when I’m training sales professionals is how much time many of them waste on social media by not being strategic. Instead, they find themselves watching cat videos, playing Candy Crush, or reading endless tweets. I won’t even get started on …