Did the Dog Eat Your Career Plans?
The 2008 economic downturn had far-reaching effects on employers, the recruiting industry, and individual workers. Did it have a negative effect on your career? If so, have you recovered from it?
I’m guessing that, like 95% of respirating humans, you had no career plan before the 2008 recession. I’m guessing that, six years later, you …
Are You Like Me? – Hired!
It’s probably happened to you a hundred times: you go to a major store, hoping to find that specific item you’re after, and you have to walk away disappointed. Either the item was not available or, most likely, you were looking for something uncommon or unusual that the store didn’t have. Such a scenario often …
How Authority Marketing Can Fast Forward Your Business
Before expounding on the benefits of authority marketing and how it can take your business to the next level, it is important to understand the definition of concept. Although marketing professionals do not agree on any one particular definition, the following is a serviceable explanation of authority marketing:
Authority marketing is leveraging your knowledge and …
The Sales Takeaway Improves Results
One method for adding value to what you are offering is referred to as the sales takeaway. Dependent upon how the idea is presented, it may sound somewhat manipulative, or, it could be quite factual while serving to increase urgency.
Examples for how the takeaway may sound in either situation are:
“We are having a …
6 Things You Forget About When Building A Personal Brand
Most professionals know by now that a strong personal brand is the foundation for a successful career.
Whether you use your personal brand to find jobs, promote your freelance business, or build your professional network, it’s important to create a brand that illustrates your professional experience and personality. Your personal brand can also help you …
How to Choose the Right Job Candidate
This week, I wanted to help entrepreneurs, recruiters and hiring managers by discussing some tips for choosing the right candidate for the job. Hiring the right candidate is very important because the right person can save you time and money by working efficiently. In comparison, a bad hire can cost you time and money as …
If You Can Do This, You Win
What does everyone want more of?
Think about the power you would wield, if you knew the answer. What if you knew what everyone secretly and truly wants? What is it that they’re not saying aloud to anyone, but keeping as a dark secret?
Go one step further and imagine if you could DELIVER what …
Personal Branding Weekly – Need to Know Who You Know
Somebody You Currently Work with can be a Valuable Connection.
This could be a fellow employee if you work for a company or an organization. If you’re a solopreneur, it could be anyone that you work with whether it is as a client or not. If you and the front end cashier of dry cleaner …
Be Prepared for Job or Company Changes (But Not Worried)
You can do everything right, and things can still go splat in your career. As John Elway, two-time Super Bowl champion quarterback, says, “Not only do you have to be good, but you have to be lucky.”
Of course, it helps if you can anticipate when your job is at risk. This can enable you …
How to Land a Telecommuting Job
Telecommuting jobs are becoming more common place, giving job seekers more opportunities to find employment outside of their location.
According to Global Workplace Analytics, the workplace research company, teleworking increased nearly 80% from 2005 to 2012. The reasons why companies are more willing to embrace telecommuting vary. For one, it’s a cost saver. And on …