Pursuing Jobs Where You Are Not A Good Fit
Pursuing jobs where you are not a good fit…
My client was approached about a job where she was not necessarily a good fit. She asked me if she should pursue the position.
My response was yes! They approached her. Talk is cheap. Plus, it was good practice on multiple levels.
ResumeThis is a …
5 Tips to a Stress-Free Holiday in Your Business
The holidays are supposed to be a joyous time of gratitude and spending time with loved ones. But running a business during the holidays can lead to stress and burnout. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be hectic and overwhelming. You can enjoy the holiday season and still keep your business humming along. Here are five …
Why Your Personal Brand Needs a Video Presence
For years it’s been known that in order to really establish a trusted personal brand, you need to have an online presence. Websites, professional social media accounts and blogs are integral to establishing your expertise in your industry and helping you reach audiences that are impossible to engage with in person.
Evolving consumer technology has …
Attract More Website Visitors for Your Personal Brand
A professional website presence that reflects your brand is the start to showcasing what you have to offer. Engaging in social media and posting content on other sites is important as well – but, the goal is to have a web design that will bring visitors back again and again. Social media, guest posts, everything …
Can You Make the 10% Social Media Commitment
How many followers do you have on Social Media?
Would you be willing to make the commitment to meet 10% of them in person?
How about 20% or even 50% of them? Would you be willing to make the time, the effort and the commitment to go out and physically meet at least 10% of …
Personal Brand Rebrand or Evolution?
Why should a business get your services? Why should a company hire you? What makes you so special? Think of yourself as a product that you’re marketing to an audience – why should they buy you?
Though you may have defined your personal brand earlier on, having decided on the niche or industry you want …
Don’t Let Gotcha! Job Interview Questions Getcha!
A hiring manager for a Fortune 500 company has just posted a mid-level position she needs to fill. Soon, she can expect the job applications to start rolling in with a vengeance. Hundreds, and perhaps even thousands of them, depending upon the position! Her challenge at that point? To reduce, as quickly and as efficiently …
How Universities Are Failing Their Graduates, Part 3
Cigarette advertising was banned from radio and television in 1971. In addition, while not legislated, many television networks have made it a policy to eliminate advertising of alcoholic beverages… or restrict such advertising based upon the age of program viewership. Both of these actions were intended to eliminate negative influencing of impressionable audiences. With such …
5 Branding Lessons from The Sex Pistols
What does the group Sex Pistols and branding have in common?
You might be tempted to answer, nothing, but in fact, the Sex Pistols were revolutionary, not only in the music industry, but also in the way they utilized branding to improve their reach as rock stars.
The Sex Pistols were a punk rock band …
Embracing Limits Increases Productivity
The above title may sound a bit contradictory. However, the recognition of what your maximum capacity is will prevent you from over-committing to unanticipated requests. Given the goals we have set for ourselves, along with the must-do task list, the frequently arriving requests could well put one into overwhelm if not dealt with properly
Your …