“Twitter #in” — Better Than Peanut Butter And Chocolate?
If you missed it this week, Linkedin added some new functionality this week. Now you can sync up your Linkedin and Twitter profiles to share content you chose with either network.
From the Linkedin blog:
Now you can tweet your LinkedIn status to your Twitter followers or automatically post your tweets as your LinkedIn status.…
A Quick Way To Measure Your Personal Brand Using Twitter Lists
Use Twitter Lists to see how people are branding you on Twitter. Are the results what you expect?
A simple branding testOne of the nice things about personal branding is the ease of verifying your efforts- just ask people in your target audience what comes to mind when they think of you:
If their…Secrets to Getting More Referrals – Part 1
Do you need new customers or clients but can’t seem to get enough of them? People generally want to make referrals when they can. It feels good to be able to connect those who can help with those who need that help. But, you need to make it as easy as …
What’s in a Brand Name?
I gave a presentation to students at James Madison University a few weeks ago, and one young lady asked me what name she should put on her résumé – Nikki, the name she’s built for herself online, or Nicole, her legal name. Another young lady chimed in that her given name is difficult to spell …
How to Use RSS to Strengthen Your Personal Brand
If you were asked point blank, “What current events happened in the past two weeks in your industry?” how would you respond?
By the end of this post, you will turn that question into a serendipitous branding moment. Your answer will be timely, relevant, and put into context of the larger picture.
With competition so …
Conversation is King
Anyone who spends any time or resources online has heard the saying “content is king”. That, though, is so Web 1.0.
To succeed in being visible and memorable in the Web 2.0 world, conversation is king. And, it’s about engaging conversation not just one sided “walking commercials”. The key to anyone’s success is communication and …
Use Twitter Lists to Build Your Personal Brand
If you’re a personal brand, or are looking to build your personal brand, you can use Twitter lists as well. Here are some easy things you can do to get noticed:
Thank every person who lists you. While it may take only a second to add someone to a Twitter list, it also takes a…A Personal Branding Tale Part 3
You have been in your new role after being promoted for close to one year – you have done an excellent job and executed on all tasks. As a result of your leadership your team has exceeded expectations.
You have even managed to keep up with your blogging – you are well known around the …
Ask The Readers: Where Did You First Hear About Personal Branding?
I’ll go first.
Actually, I don’t remember exactly where I first heard about personal branding, but I do remember when it happened.
Introduction to personal brandingIn the summer of 2006, up to my eyeballs in a trans-continental job search after having been laid off a few months before from a job in Paris, France, …
Tell Us: Who Should You Thank Today?
With the news last week about the shootings at Fort Hood and the unemployment rate soaring into double digits for the first time since the 1980s, it’s so easy to stay focused on the bad things happening around us and never take a moment to reflect on the good things that have kept us going …