Why Google+ is Not a Good Personal Brand Building Tool
After all the hoopla, does Google’s latest social launch change much for your brand?
Last week, Google launched Google+, which some people were calling Google’s long-rumored social network for competing with Facebook.
We already know that done properly, using Facebook can build your brand. So what about Google+?
Right now, Google+ has 5 main features: …
‘Snap Selling’ Your Way Into Your Next Job
You’re probably at least somewhat familiar with the term “the hidden job market.” In this blog I am first going to define what usually is meant by the term and then I am going to strongly recommend a book that, in addition to “‘Headhunter’ Hiring Secrets: The Rules of the Hiring Game Have Changed . …
What’s Your Mission Statement?
When we typically discuss a mission statement, it is associated with some sort of enterprise or organization. In the digital age, I see the need for a personal mission statement becoming a necessary ingredient for one’s personal brand portfolio. In other words, who are you and what do you stand for? Beyond what you do, …
Three Reasons To Have A Personal Brand Advocate
In a recent article on Social Media Examiner, Phil Mershon asked the questions:
What would you say if you could add five, ten, 100 or 1000 marketing reps to your team? For free?
What if these marketing reps would freely write about your brand and tell their friends, and all they expect in return is …
You Aren’t Paid To Hate
My personal brand has three pillars: encouragement, invention and freedom. While I mostly deal in small freedoms – your right to pursue any goal, any career, or engage in nearly any pursuit that brings you success or joy – occasionally it’s imperative that I should weigh in on our larger freedoms: speech, press, privacy, and …
Are You Making Customer Retention a Top Priority?
64% of consumers said they “stomped out” of stores and 67% said they hung up on hold because of poor customer service, according to a new Consumer Reports survey.
Few do a good job at being indispensable
I was astounded at the stupidity and lack of priority and vision of those statistics when it comes …
The Single Biggest Factor That Determines Success Today: Trust
At first blush, it may sound a little silly–I mean, how can you compare a “soft issue” like trust to hardcore fiscal policies, new product offerings, and profitability?
However, FranklinCovey provides extensive research, statistics, case studies and anecdotes that prove trust is a key driving force in today’s economy.
FranklinCovey’s book and training workshops on …
Leverage Podcasting to Build a Personal Brand
Starting an audio podcast is one of the most powerful ways to build a loyal audience for your personal brand. Let’s take a closer look.
In 2006, I was still in the real estate business and created an educational podcast about the mortgage application process. It was called “Beyond the Rate” and without any real …
BeKnown To Be Found – A Monstrous New App
There is a “New Kid on the Block” in the tremendously popular and widely used professional networking arena. That “New Kid,” who has the potential of soon being the “BIG Kid on the Block,” is a new application known as “BeKnown,” released June 25th by giant online job hunting site Monster.com.
The application has been …
Why Single Women Make More Money
Everywhere you go these days there’s some technology buzzing with news of this or that. Last night I hopped in a cab hoping for a few minutes of blackberry free relaxation after a week that was so stressful I literally fell asleep waiting for my nails to dry at the salon. Instead I was captured …