The Vehicles That Drive Your Personal Brand Message
How will you communicate your personal brand this year?
It’s one thing to put general content out there…it’s another to make it interesting, easily digestible, and tailored to a specific audience in order to make it stand out from everyone else’s.
Draw a Venn diagram. Label one circle: “What my customers care about.” Label the …
6 Things Personal Brands Must Stop in 2012
If we avoid these tactics, our personal brands will be better for it in 2012. As will everyone else in the social media universe we impact.
1) Auto-Direct Messaging people on Twitter. “Hi, thanks for following me! Visit my website! Read my book! Like my Facebook Page!”
I wish there was a way these could …
The Personal Media-Morph…
…I Should Find You in Text, Video, Audio and More
The Internet. Isn’t it grand? So much information. Day and night. In all forms – be it the text of a New York Times article, a “How to Cut Your Own Hair” video on YouTube, or the rumblings of a comedian and celebrity chef on …
Personal Brand Scorecard – Blake Griffin: Shy Guy Showcase
In a world of show-boaters, limelight stealers, and Kris Humphries’, the quiet front man that deserves the spotlight often times gets overshadowed. Shy guys rejoice! Within the sports world you have found your paragon in the name of Blake Griffin. With the NBA having been resurrected on Christmas, it is only fitting that I highlight …
My Favorite Personal Branding Blog Comments of 2011
Almost any blogger will tell you that they love getting blog comments, and that’s true even for the ones they don’t agree with.
Sometimes, a blog comment is so good that you wish all readers could enjoy it, but that’s the big problem: …
Social Recruiting on Facebook
[Disclosure: Monster owns BeKnown]
People that are outside of recruiting should understand there is more to recruiting on Facebook than background checks.
In fact, I posted a link to my Facebook a few days about why employers shouldn’t use social for background checks (getting increased scrutiny in Washington for one), but the short answer …
Unemployed? 7 ‘Resolutions’ You Need to Make for 2012
Part II of II
Editor’s Note: In Part I of this two-part series, international best-selling job hunting book author and professional “headhunter” Skip Freeman suggested the 7 New Year’s “resolutions” employed people should seriously consider making to land their “dream job” in the new year. In Part II, Skip offers 7 highly recommended New Year’s …
What Are You Waiting For?
As we sit here the first few days of 2012, it is almost impossible not to think about what the new year has in store for us. Most of us would agree that the economy is not in tip-top shape nor are we. The gyms are crowded this time of the year as people scramble …
7 Questions To Ask The Hiring Manager
On the next interview you go on, I recommend that you take some control.
Don’t let the hiring manager ask all the questions; ask your own!
A good hiring manager will welcome your curiosity.
Here are some examples of useful questions to ask the interviewer:
1) Would you please describe purpose/mission statement & set of …
Direct Sellers: LinkedIn Brand Building Communities
LinkedIn is one of the oldest social networks and is often considered the most professional. As businesses are embracing the power of social media sites, a lot of professionals see the advantages of taking their business and their personal brand online and making use of social media to help spread brand awareness. If you’re a …