Tag: Personal Branding

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Personal Branding Weekly – 15 July 2013

Aloha! That’s all I can say when enjoying a week with my husband celebrating our wedding anniversary!


Imposter Syndrome by Kevin Monahan Differentiation is Easy, Once You Set Your Own Standard by Skip Weisman Three Tips for Handling a Social Media Brand Crisis by Crystal Washington Eliminate the Negative in Your Personal Brand by…
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authors cornerLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Why Workplace Etiquette Matters

Our 24/7 instant-access virtual world has taken the “person” out of “personal,” especially in the workplace. Until we all turn into robots with hard drives, I suggest we take a breath and slow down long enough to remember that we are all living, breathing people with feelings who get passionate, tired, burned out, excited, worried, …

Communication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

Bootstrapping the Buzz of Your Personal Brand

I recently had the opportunity to be interviewed about Personal Branding in a way that’s smart and budget friendly.

I’m thrilled to give Personal Branding Blog readers first listen to the interview! Plus, I’ve included the transcript below.

As always, your comments and feedback is where some of the best lessons and insights occur so …

Job SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingNetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

Your Online Brand: LinkedIn, or Just another Pretty Facebook?

Social media is all the rage. Even Fortune500 companies, who are always on the trailing edge of technology, are getting into it. How about you? Is your personal brand supported well by your social media footprint and activities, or not? There are dozens of social media sites, but I will be limiting this post to …