How Would You Rate the Boundaries You Set?
Throughout our childhood, we are taught boundaries for what is acceptable and what is not. We learn to accept the rules set by others, but it is an unknown as to why we are afraid to speak up when our boundaries are over-stepped. The give and take of adhering to rules and procedures apply to …

Tweak Your Response to Improve Business
One of the more critical areas for getting to ‘yes’ is in our response style. A response may be an answer to a question, providing insight, or getting to the closing stage of pending business. Our communication affects all stages of the sales cycle and also includes the final stage for getting hired.
Communication Reminders:…
What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do About Your Job
There are a number of very good tests of personality type on the market, and as a career coach I always recommend that people in transition explore the results of such tests and apply those results in their decision-making processes. Being in transition is an opportune time to assess where you are and what you …

9 Questions to Ask Before Sending Your Resume
Finding a job is tough. It takes time and effort. You need to pay attention to tiny details, especially in your resume, and make sure everything is flawless. StandOut CV has recently put together a great infographic for candidates searching for a job. As a candidate if you want to look professional and get noticed …

Speak Directly to Client Interests
The first loss of a sale or job interview is the one that hurts the most. It isn’t so much the lost time and money involved, but instead the realization there is so much to learn to succeed. Initially, one feels devastated, but when motivation to learn picks up so does the enthusiasm, and soon …

Expertly Move from Possibility to Success
As valid sales possibilities rise in number, you experience the feeling of hope and motivation on the rise. It is the hope and motivation that inspire you to continue forging ahead in seeking out possible new clients or the best possible new job. Without hope, the motivation to persevere declines and then the thought of …

Is Your Career On the Right Path Or Should Something Change?
As new projects or careers begin, fear sometimes gets in the way. In particular, after making a big decision regarding a career will have many soon wondering if they made the right choice. Restless nights are the norm when trying to predict how it will all work out. The philosophy of one day at …

Are You Ready for A New Career In the New Year?
Signals for the Time is Now
No doubt your career has seen twists and turns along with a steady stream of endeavors. It has undoubtedly brought both challenges and reward. It’s comfortable, and you know what needs to be done each day until the realization hits that the same old no longer works.
Focus plus …

Job Hunting Through The Holidays
Can I tell you a little secret?
Smart people keep job hunting through the holidays.
Smart people realize a few things about job hunting through the holidays:
There is less competition Hiring managers are still looking HR professionals get to pick from a very smart and select groupFamily Will Understand
Your friends and family …

Avoid Ruining Your Personal Image
When you feel disappointed, you feel let down because your expectations failed to be met. Little children at times express their reactions to disappointment by crying; adults deal with disappointment more maturely—through logic. Regardless of your age, though, disappointment evokes strong emotions.
Those in job transition have a heightened sense of awareness of such emotional …