How Solo-Entrepeneurs Can Take Guilt Free Vacations
You are reading this while I am with my wife on a beach in Belize.
It’s our first vacation (or “holiday” as the Europeans call it) of 2014.
As a solo entrepreneur vacations stress me out.
If I’m not connecting with clients and prospects I’m losing touch with my business and may not have one …

Countering the Damage of Sarcasm in Workplace Communication
At a specific time within my seminar on “The 7 Deadliest Communication Sins,” I take on the topic of sarcasm at work. Firstly, I ask two very important questions about audience members’ experience with regard to this specific issue as it impacts interpersonal communication and workplace communication.
These two questions are:
How many of you…The Small Business Polar Vortex
Waking up daily the past three weeks to single digit temperatures has me seeing the current Polar Vortex I’m living through as a metaphor for many small business work environments.
Many suffer from their own Polar Vortex in the workplace as co-workers and business leaders freeze out each other from communicating about vital issues.
The …
Great Leaders H.A.V.e What It Takes to Lead
People follow leaders for just one of two reasons. It is either because they have to, or because they want to.
The difference is that leaders whose followers follow because they have to, apply position power. Position power is that granted them by their title in the organization and how it relates to those that …
How To Create Your Professional Vision Board
While the origin of the vision board is unknown, we do know that people have been visualizing their desired results for thousands of years. Many ancient native peoples had a practice of visualizing a successful hunt prior to setting out with their hunting instruments. Today, everyone from eastern spiritual healers to Navy Seals use visualizing …
The Magic Ingredient that Creates a High Performing Workplace
Developing a high-performing workplace is not as mysterious as small business owners make it seem.
So many struggle with getting employees to:
do more than the minimum job requirements to take initiative on their own to get things done to make decisions for which the owner feels they are paying them for to show up…Do Less and Get More Business Results in 2014
If you’re reading this blog post, you likely have lofty business resolutions in 2014 but a fixed amount of time to make them happen. A recent study from the University of Scranton states that just 8% of people actually accomplish their New Year’s Resolutions. You, like most Americans, have likely overcommitted. Statistically, you will more …
The Holy Grail of Workplace Motivation
Human motivation is complex.
Motivating humans in the workplace seems be a question business owners continue to struggle with.
I’ve also have found two key factors that motivate consistently across all generations in the workplace: autonomy and transparency.
AutonomyHuman beings are autonomous creatures. We all want to have autonomy over how we live, work …
The Power of Expectation Management
My wife and I arrived at a very popular resort restaurant without a reservation last summer while on vacation. Our names were put on a list, we were given a pager and told the wait would be about 15-20 minutes.
With time to kill, my wife and I decided to visit the restrooms. On my …
Which of 4 Conversations are Prevalent in Your Workplace?
When I first started my coaching and consulting practice I remember my mentor telling me and others in a training that he often learned as much or more from his clients and seminar participants as they did from him.
In my twelve years in the business, I too, have found that to be true.
Last …