Tag: Intrapreneurship

Sarcasm offers only two outcomes, and both are negative for relationships. This is not something you want in workplace communication.
Communication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingWorkplace Success

Countering the Damage of Sarcasm in Workplace Communication

At a specific time within my seminar on “The 7 Deadliest Communication Sins,” I take on the topic of sarcasm at work. Firstly, I ask two very important questions about audience members’ experience with regard to this specific issue as it impacts interpersonal communication and workplace communication.

These two questions are:

How many of you…
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Career & WealthCareer ResourcesWorkplace Success

Do Less and Get More Business Results in 2014

If you’re reading this blog post, you likely have lofty business resolutions in 2014 but a fixed amount of time to make them happen. A recent study from the University of Scranton states that just 8% of people actually accomplish their New Year’s Resolutions. You, like most Americans, have likely overcommitted. Statistically, you will more …