Tag: interviewing

Job Search

Why Were You Fired?

Some of the most successful people in business were fired from a previous job. Vivian Giang does a nice rundown of the rich and once fired. Mark Cuban, Madonna, Michael Bloomberg, JK Rowling, and Walt Disney are just a sampling. So, if you’ve been “let go” for unsatisfactory performance: you’re in very good company.

Unfortunately, …

Communication & NetworkingInterviewJob SearchRelationships & Personal Growth

Talking Money: It’s All About the Benjamins!

OK. It’s not ALL about the Benjamins. But they are important to most of us. Money discussions have been a consistent concern in job interview seminars I have conducted over the past six years and proper handling can offer the potential to add $10,000, $25,000, or far more to a job seeker’s annual income

The …

Job SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRecruitmentRelationships & Personal Growth

50 Great Questions to Ask on a Sales Interview

Without exception, when recruiting sales job seekers, companies want the interviewee to ask intelligent, thoughtful questions. Though, all too often, the applicant does not come prepared with inquiries.

Regardless of how well the answers the individual gave were, if they don’t have pertinent questions, the meeting is left in an “up in the air” state.…

InterviewJob SearchRecruitmentRelationships & Personal Growth

How to Handle Rejection During Your Job Search

Running a recruiting firm, I come across many job seekers who have simply “had it” and, via a tremendous amount of interviewing rejection, give up on their job search. However, there are more effective ways of going about handling rejection and overcoming obstacles during one’s job search in hopes of getting that job that you …

InterviewJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

6 Reasons Why Your Interviews Are Not Going Well

There are dozens of reasons why some job interviews don’t go well. Contrary to popular belief, these variables don’t always have to do with the job seeker nor are they indicative of that individual’s career potential. As an applicant, if you feel you’re not interviewing as well as you could be, you’re not alone.

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