Your Communication Style Hinders or Greatly Increases Your Success
What are you really saying?
We have all done it on occasion and it’s a bad habit that should be avoided in the future. The habit is subliminally delivering a message that touches upon a sensitive subject. We don’t want to confront another or tell them they are wrong. So when an opportunity presents itself …
Battle of the Sexes: Who’s Net Works?
A recent study by LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional network with more than 100 million members worldwide, surprisingly revealed that men are savvier online networkers than women. Two things determined “savviness”: the ratio of connections that men have to connections that women have, and the ratio of male members on LinkedIn to female members.
Logic…Act Better, Live Better
On Thursday, the Screen Actors Guild Foundation is producing the grand finale of a four-part series on personal branding. After months of smart people sharing wise words about blogs, social media and other tactics to network with employers (in this case: casting directors, producers, directors and development executives), about 200 people are gathering in the …
One Perfect Way To Open A Meeting
What’s the one thing you can say to immediately get everyone’s attention, and focus them on working together to get results in a meeting? Well, it’s not one thing actually. You’ve got three ways to get any meeting started on the right track.
A Startling Statistic A Dramatic Quote A Success StoryYou might have …
Speak To Sample Your Brand
Your product is awesome and you are ready to market it to the public. The need to get the word out is imperative to your marketing strategy. Public appearances and speaking to people at areas in which your product may be of interest will enforce the solidity of your product and brand. By being there …
Do You Exist?
Search engines are doing an ever better job of customizing search results based on the prior behavior and preferences of the user. So, if you like YouTube and you rarely have clicked through onto MySpace, then the MySpace presence of people and things will simply not exist for you. That is, MySpace results for the …
Something Is Missing
Checked my email on Sunday night. Which of these email messages mean anything to me?
Tires for Sale VA Loan Review Fly a Private Jet Enlargement Salma Hayek Weight Loss Yoshiblade Walk-in Tub Prince Ahmed Karim CBAtabanswernetworkThe last one. The others are spam. The last one is from my answering bureau, the one that …
Next One!
I have not had much success selling people stuff they did not want or need. When I sold in the high-tech space, I had much more success with companies and individuals who had a need for the solution that I was selling. When I sold medical devices, I had my best results with surgeons who …
Give A Little At KIVA
Philanthropy is good for your soul and your personal brand. Where you give, how you give and why you give can be a huge window into who you are. As a personal branding coach, I recommend all my clients consider making a donation through
Through this site, you can spend as little as $25 …
Out Foxing Job Boards
Take a peek at to see if you’ll benefit from networking with recruiters, as promised by Rob McGovern the site’s CEO. Rob is the founder and former CEO of, so he knows a few things about what does and doesn’t work on both sides of the hiring equation.
Be seen and consideredThe …