Tag: communication

Communication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

5 Conversation Habits that Ruin Your Personal Brand

There’s one type of communication you engage in more often than any other. It’s conversation. You are in conversation – online or on-ground – more frequently than you get opportunities to deliver presentations, webinars or otherwise engage with people in a more formal or structured setting.

While there are many presentation skills courses (including the …

Communication & NetworkingNetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthSocial Media

Personal Branding Weekly and Networking Word of Mouth

Editor’s Note: Relationships are vital to any of your personal and professional success. Good communication, relationship building skills and basic networking are often lacking. When you can possess those three skill sets, your brand stands out from everyone else and is memorable. How well do you engage your brand?

This past week we covered:

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InterviewJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

How Not to Stick Out Like A Sore Thumb


Too often we hear terms in meetings that we don’t understand. Yet, too embarrassed to ask for clarification. Sometimes its okay to stick out like a sore thumb. 

Sometimes these are terms that are mentioned by colleagues, managers, vendors and even customers.  Not knowing these terms and the context for using them can risk …

Communication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

Traditional Principles + New Media Practices = Sales Leadership

Sales leadership is achieved today by a combination of traditional principles and new practices. You can’t be successful today unless you use and incorporate the best of both and mold both into your personal sales strategy.

I spent 20+ years as a broadcast radio sales leader, when the primary media was traditional media. We cold …