Are you routinely taking these 5 steps to make the sale?
We invariably and continually make changes in our lives. While the topics are endless, the approach for each holds five basic steps in common. Routinely making these steps a habitual practice will serve to improve your results.
Email and social media are perfect examples of people attempting to sell without knowing a thing about …
Why Should I Do Business with You?
The title of the article says it all when it comes to leading effective meetings. As the sales executive, you are the leader when meeting with clientele.
False Start
On occasion you may hear someone say, “I can talk to you now, but I only have a few minutes. In a snapshot, tell me what …
Are You from Another Planet?
Before you talk to a recruiter or hiring manager, ask yourself: “Am I from another planet?” Because you might be, when it comes to expectations, environment, hierarchy, and all sorts of corporate culture.
The number one reason why most people lose out on bigger salaries, plus a moving allowance, expense account and even a down …
How to Easily Increase Sales
The seller’s demeanor is what will either negatively or positively begin the sale cycle that either leads to an answer of “no” or “Yes!”
In order to attract a positive flow of sales, the following adjectives come to mind: Be respectful, kind, thoughtful, inquisitive, an advisor and a benefactor. The last descriptor, “benefactor” refers to …
Three Things Every Grad Should Be Doing
As we enter the graduation season I’d like to ask every graduate to consider these three things. For some people this is already part of their DNA and they’ve been doing them for years. For others they might be doing one or two of them regularly. I’m suggesting at this important milestone that you do …
Moving from no communication to harmonious relationship
You might have just landed a new and exciting client. Putting your best foot forward is essential for building a long lasting relationship.
But sometimes, although your best was delivered, the communication seems to die. It completely ruins your day and sometimes even an entire week. It’s not worthwhile to allow this to happen because …
Ride the Wave of Poor Experience to New Possibility
The attitude of forging past obstacles is what sets the successful apart. It is the rare individual who never makes a poor choice or who enjoys good experiences 100% of the time. For the rest of us, we need an improved mindset for moving forward and getting past those events that bring us down.
Time …
Remember Connect and Grow Possibilities
Frequently, when you are relaxed and away from the computer, the names of people will come to mind. A great habit to acquire is to jot down those names in a safe place for easy recall when you return to your desk. With a list in place, reach out one by one, to extend a …
6 Tips for Connecting Well Online
As time passes, and comfort increases with being online, it’s good to expand your expertise by attempting new strategy. Upon willing to take a risk “to see what happens” you just might be pleasantly surprised. And in the process the reward is likely to be meeting remarkable people. Even better, as confidence increase, you may …
How to Sell Your Big Business Idea
It’s hard to imagine a world without ideas, without innovation and without the charismatic presenters who are seemingly in possession of the Secret to Success. While it is true there are degrees between effective and ineffective communication, the art of selling a foreign concept to others is a skill that can be learned.
Most realize …