Are Your Silent thoughts Providing New Direction?
Logical thinkers who use analytics and hard facts 100% of the time may well dismiss the following insight. However, it is always best to take into consideration the ideas of those who think the exact opposite of you. Why?
Should you be open to one new idea, it may prove to be an idea that …

Things to Keep in Mind While Doing an Internship
Doing an internship is a great opportunity to see what it is like to work in that position and company. It helps you to understand whether you are a good fit for the position and whether you want to do this as a career. However, there are things to keep in mind while doing an …

The Foundation of Charismatic Interviewing
The most effective interviewees know how to engage a hiring manager or recruiter with candid, interesting conversation. There is a charisma and confidence to them that draws others into their way of thinking.
Their influential abilities resonate throughout both their professional and personal life. This includes those with whom they interview.
Specifically, charismatic interviewees are …

Information Overload for People in Transition
Just two decades ago, finding a suitable job was simplistic. People wrote their own résumés, had them edited by trusted friends, and walked into the interview with confidence about having been for a long time in the previous job that he must have been good at because of a lengthy tenure. Since then, though, the …

Cultivating a More Successful Work Ethic
Miracles in business don’t just happen. Opportunity never seeks us. Rather, we must seek it.
Needless to say, the only way to make a goal become a reality is to stick to a proposition and see it through to the end. Seeing a task through to completion regardless of how difficult it is to achieve …

The Importance of Happiness at Work
A sweeping misconception among many American workers regarding happiness and success is how the two coincide with one another. It is commonly thought that happiness is a result of success. For instance, once an individual gets the raise they want or the promotion they desire, then they will become happy.
The only problem is that …
Are You the Office Trick or Treat?
Organizational leadership guru Adam Grant recently commented on what spoils a workplace culture. It’s surprisingly simple. It takes just one person to obliterate a collaborative, supportive and positive environment. It doesn’t have to be a person at the top. One mean-spirited, conniving, credit-hogging, work-shirking colleague will ruin your day, your week, or however long you …
What Are You Missing?
From the moment you wake up, opportunities are staring you in the face. So why are you missing out on them? Why are you missing out on the job promotion that’s available, the openings at the companies you admire, and the business opportunities – even the investor who is staring you in the face?
You …
How to Turn a Bad Job into a Good Job
Have you recently gone from no job to a bad job?
A lot of people have emerged from their parents’ basement. They are dressed for work that they loathe. You know why. The crazy boss. Lazy coworkers. Angry customers. Too many meetings. Not enough freedom. The air conditioning is too cold. Someone steals your lunch …
Warnings You are About to be Laid Off
Unfortunately, there is no job as a secure job nowadays. Layoffs are a reality in the corporate world. Thus, everybody can face a lay-off at some point in their careers. Don’t worry, though! There are ways to notice the lay-off before it happens. If you don’t regret the signs and act quickly, you can change …