Tag: business development

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2 Key Resources for Crafting and Telling Your Story

I’d like to recommend 2 books that that can help you craft and tell your personal brand building story on your blog or website.

Ginny Redish’s Letting Go of the Words: Writing Web Content that Works and Patrick Hanlon’s PrimalBranding: Create Zealots for your Brand, Your Company, and your Future offer strong, relevant insights plus …

Career & Wealthgen-yLifestyle & Habit BuildingNetworking

The YEC Retooling and Retraining The American Workforce

Editor’s Note:  The YEC is an organization that partners with us and authors many blog posts here. The YEC seeks to retool and retrain the American workforce with mentorship from successful startups.  

America’s Top Entrepreneurs and Citi Set Out to Mentor the Nation’s Aspiring Business Owners

This Labor Day weekend, the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) …

Career & WealthCommunication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Olympian Action for Entrepreneurs

As I watched the Olympics this year, several analogies came to mind in regard to being an entrepreneur. To begin, it was the apparent determination to succeed that brought about invitations for those finalists to participate at the games.

Economies have been very slow over the past number of years. And many entrepreneurs have felt …

Communication & NetworkingProject ManagementRelationships & Personal Growth

Setting BEST Goals For Your Best Personal Brand

Keeping your personal brand afloat requires maintaining the present and preparing for the future. With that being said – goals come to mind. A personal brand without goals keeps you at a standstill, while one with action-filled goals accelerates you along your career path.

As a working professional, goal setting is a staple in determining …