To Give And Receive – My Personal Advice Experiment
This week, I chose a day where I was going to listen and be influenced by others. As one who has given a lot of advice over the years, I thought my “day of advice and recommendations” would be a great gauge to see if I was as open receiving it as I thought I …
The 5 Languages of Nice
As my creative partner @FamousAlice says, s“competent and nice beats genius and difficult” when it comes to hiring, promoting and collaborating with team members – or selecting and working with vendors and consultants.
Competence is broadly understood as being good at what you do; but do not dismiss what it takes to be good – …
Get Noticed…..Literally
What makes you stand out? Do you have something defining or memorable that makes someone take a second look?
Appearance makes a difference. Period.
55% of a person’s first opinion of you is based on your physical appearance and your body language. As an athlete, you wear a team uniform most often in front of …
How to Destroy Your Career
Feelings, sometimes nothing more than feelings, define a brand, including a personal brand. What about yours?
The seven deadly sins of career building:
There’s more of course, but that list is a really good start.
Here’s the thing. You never intended for those sins to show up in …
Your Relevance is Tied into Your Horsepower!
I recently participated in a national call for Tory Johnson’s 30 Day Get Hired Virtual Job Club program. I presented on Are you Relevant? You can hear the 20 minute call here.
Getting and staying relevant has played into my own 2006 career change but even more importantly relevance is an essential key to navigate …
How to use the Rule of 3 for Personal Branding
If you are not familiar with it then I suggest that you introduce yourself quickly. I believe that it is the most highly effective technique for disseminating information with a punch.
As an aspiring Brandpreneur, you have been told, over and over, ad nauseam, that your ability to convey your message with impact is critical …
12 Survival Principles For Career and Business Success
“These are times that try men’s soul’s. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value.” – Thomas Paine, from The Crisis …
Is it always golden?
The other day I traveled across the country and something rather unusual took place I thought at the time. For some odd reason, I did not speak to a single person the entire trip. This includes from when I parked my vehicle at the airport until I arrived at my destination. …
How Indispensible Are You?
How do you become indispensable?
What kind of experience do want customers to have with you and your business?
The impact of customer retention is felt in 3 ways according to the Small Business Administration.
1) Profitability: 5-20% more expensive to find a new customer than to keep one.
2) Revenue: just 5% more retention …
11 Personal Branding Tips for a Hot Summer
Just because you’re going on vacation doesn’t mean your personal brand should be.
How to build your personal brand this summerThis summer, you’ll either be on vacation, working, unemployed or some combination of those (hopefully more the first two). While you’re at it, here are some brand-building ideas:
1 ) Go mobile
Many people …