Tag: Brand Attributes

Brand Yourself AsNetworking

Personal Branding Weekly and Managing Personal Word of Mouth Networking

Personal Branding Weekly

Editor’s Note:  The Young Entrepreneur’s Council and Glassdoor shared some great articles focused on our career interactions. Loyalty, friendships, strategy and even how to follow-up without being annoying encompassed some of the most popular posts of the week.

6 Ways to “Riff” Daily by Deborah Shane Start Your Brand Now; Iterate Later…
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Lifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

6 Ways To “Riff” Daily

Artists, musicians, comics, speakers, trainers, athletes, performers all do it-they “RIFF”. That “rapid energetic often improvised verbal or non verbal outpouring especially one that is part of a performance”.

Most of us remember “Riff’s” of great rock, jazz and yes classical musicians, bands and performers, we listen to and are fans of. What we love …

Communication & NetworkingMe 2.0Relationships & Personal GrowthSocial Media

Summer Vacation: How to Balance Personal Branding and Parenting

So much of your personal brand relies on maintaining a consistent presence on social media, being available to clients, and staying on top of trends in your field. Combine all that with parenting, and you are probably stretched pretty thin!

For better or worse, tech has made it easier for professionals to spend more time …

Brand Yourself AsRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation ManagementSocial MediaSuccess Story

How To Create The Story Of Your Personal Brand

Composing the story of your personal brand is much like the story of a product or service’s brand – the goal is to reach your audience on an emotional level.

In my opinion, the pros of the digital age greatly outweigh the cons, but the simplicity of creating your own brand online calls for a …