Creative Professionals Need Resumes for Personal Branding, Too
I preach often that creative professionals need to have resumes. Case in point: My latest post over at the Creative Freelancer Blog.
I was thinking about some of the mixed views I’ve heard regarding this, and it really baffles me. Why do creative professionals think they don’t need resumes, or that resumes do not apply …
Do’s and Don’ts: The Office Holiday Party
With office holiday parties just around the corner, workers are wrestling with that age-old question: do you let loose at the holiday party, or do you treat it as an extension of a day in the office? Your workplace environment and position within the company will dictate some of that, but one thing is for …
Getting The Most From Recruiters In Your Job Search
As an active job seeker, you’re likely ready and willing to pull out all of your resources to find a job. While working with a recruiter should be one of those tactics to use in your job search, it’s difficult to understand how to best use recruiters to your advantage.
In essence, recruiters work closely …
5 Benefits From ‘Taking Leaps With Faith’
We take leaps with faith when we live out our lives, going through our stages, phases and cycles.
How we present ourselves during change, should be an authentic expression of our personality, experience and values. We don’t have to be perfect, just real. The online space has given us an amazing platform and outlet to …
Personal Branding Weekly and Protecting Yourself from Experts
Editor’s Note: I’ve met many wonderful people during some recent personal branding and social media seminars and sessions that I’ve presented at lately. When we visit after my presentation, I find that unearthing your brand is by far the most interesting and most challenging aspect of personal branding for them.
Do you …
A Subtle Way To Look Smart
It’s really easy to look smart.
One of my favorite parts of my work as a keynote speaker is after a presentation when students come up to me to ask a question. I love getting the chance to speak to people individually to help them with their specific challenges.
However, there is one aspect of …
Three Tricks to Get Your Email Opened
We all know that getting over the inbox hurdle can be a challenge. Whether you are trying to land an informational interview, a sales call or a job interview, getting your email opened is the first step to success.
The challenge is that people routinely get dozens – even hundreds – of emails in their …
What I Bring to Networking Events and Conferences
What you need to get the most out of your next one-day event.
On the morning of an event – or often, the night before – I’ll prepare a bag of goodies to get maximum benefit.
Here’s what must be in my pack or it will be sorely missed:
Name badge
Most events, especially paid …

Beyond Social Media: Three Advanced Branding Ideas
When you start to brand your own name or your business, there are some first steps to take when thinking about branding ideas. Social media accounts. Websites. A logo. Maybe even some business cards. If you are job seeking, you want to build your resume based on the image that you want to portray as …
Preparing for a Layoff, Hostess Style
By now you’ve probably heard about Hostess’ liquidation, as many are mourning over the apparent “death” of their beloved Twinkies and Wonder Bread. Although we may yet see our favorite indestructible snacks find a home with a new company, what will become of Hostess’ workers?
Most of Hostess’ 18,500 employees have lost their jobs, throwing …