6 Things You Forget About When Building A Personal Brand
Most professionals know by now that a strong personal brand is the foundation for a successful career.
Whether you use your personal brand to find jobs, promote your freelance business, or build your professional network, it’s important to create a brand that illustrates your professional experience and personality. Your personal brand can also help you …
If You Can Do This, You Win
What does everyone want more of?
Think about the power you would wield, if you knew the answer. What if you knew what everyone secretly and truly wants? What is it that they’re not saying aloud to anyone, but keeping as a dark secret?
Go one step further and imagine if you could DELIVER what …
Be Prepared for Job or Company Changes (But Not Worried)
You can do everything right, and things can still go splat in your career. As John Elway, two-time Super Bowl champion quarterback, says, “Not only do you have to be good, but you have to be lucky.”
Of course, it helps if you can anticipate when your job is at risk. This can enable you …
Successful People Have These 4 Things in Common
“Hide not your talents. They for use were made. What’s a sundial in the shade?”
— Benjamin Franklin
Surprisingly even some of the most confident people don’t really know their strengths. While you might be able to generally describe what you’re good at it’s important to know specifically what it is that you can do …
3 Types of Posts to Avoid on Social Media
As much as people may try, it is difficult to separate professional and personal lives when it comes to social media. A recent study found that 45 percent of human resources professionals use social media to vet potential employees, and another 11 percent say they have plans to start the practice this year. With 58 …
Three Words About Your Future: Responsible, Respectful and Realistic
Incoming freshmen. Heed these words.
Career, Contacts and Optics. More on these later, but keep in mind that the way you handle yourself will define your current and future success.
Of course, this likely does not come as a surprise to most people.
I had the privilege and pleasure of dropping off our son …
Deliver the Bad News for a Great Brand Impression
I am an advocate of that “go for it” type drive. And, then beg forgiveness later if things fall apart.
In this case – that simply wouldn’t work.
Working with an organization a new marketing executive thought it would be fun to choreograph an entire marketing video around the hit song, Royals, by Lorde. Everyone …
Career Success Tips for Women
I realize I’m sticking my neck out here a little… since I’m a guy. What does a guy know about helping women succeed? Given that I have coached a lot of women and helped them advance in their careers, I believe I have some basis for the information that follows.
If you are a woman …
3 Keys to Successful Sales
Most entrepreneurs are reluctant to admit they are salespeople. But they are in business to make money. So compounding the problem is the fact the same people are afraid to ask for money or ask for the fees they deserve. Therefore, let’s begin with the 3 keys to successful sales upfront so you may relax …
A Surprising Physical Secret Behind Intelligent Thinking
Tapping, typing and swiping give you instant access to all kinds of things you want. For example today on Buzzfeed, I tapped open a list of 37 ways to hack IKEA furniture so it looks a little less like IKEA furniture. I typed up a list on Workflowy, to organize the assets of a new …