Why Professional Etiquette Is Overrated
Several years ago, I went to a networking event right near Washington, D.C.
One woman in the group introduced herself as an “etiquette expert.” Then, she gave everyone in the room one of her “best tips on how to be professional:”
Make sure your name tag is on the right side of your shirt/jacket and …
Find Your Dream Job? Develop Rare and Valuable Skills!
What does it really mean to find one’s “dream job” or one’s “dream school” or dream anything? I would like to explore this topic for the sake of redefining dreams as they relate to our career choices and to consider how managing our notion of dreams correspond to ones happiness. Dreams are by definition a …
Build Your Brand at the Company Holiday Party
Now that the “Holiday Season” is in full swing, company holiday parties are being planned and invitations sent. These celebrations of holiday cheer are notorious for the stories that are told around the water cooler the next day in the office – drunken co-workers saying and doing embarrassing things.
But these events are not just …
Practical Online Writing Tips for Personal Branding Success
[Sponsored Post: Viewbix helps SMBs, entrepreneurs and bloggers convert video viewers into customers. Viewbix makes ordinary videos instantly interactive with the integration of apps and sharing capabilities that engage viewers and present them with immediate calls-to-action for significantly increased reach and return on investment.]
The second edition of Ginny Redish’s Letting Go of the Words …
How To Get A Mentor
The first mistake most people make when seeking out a mentor is asking a role model to take on that responsibility. Mentoring is an enormous chore. Don’t underrate the undertaking of it. You are asking someone to take a personal interest in your development.
It reminds me of a first kiss. At least, that’s when …
The Art of the Cold Call Voicemail
Let me start by stating that I’m not a fan of cold calling. But there are times in life when you absolutely must, so it’s best to utilize methods that have proven high conversion rates.
The majority of cold calls are going to go to voicemail. It’s critical to have a practiced, concise, and straight-to-the-point …
Personal Branding Weekly and Your Personal YouTube Brand
Editor’s Note: We hope you enjoyed the Thanksgiving holiday! We are all grateful for you. Taking time to reach and comment means much to each of us – so thank you! We also know that with the busy weekend that you might have missed some great articles. We’ve provided the headline and …
Woman: Get What You Deserve With These Winning Strategies!
Today’s working-woman embraces a culture of flexibility, oftentimes juggling dual roles as both a “career woman” and a “family woman.” For most young women, the future holds some hybrid of entering a working world and starting a family. As companies become more sensitive to the various demands placed on women who want both a career …
With Facebook’s Social Job App, Time to Clean Up
Now that Facebook has announced their Social Jobs app, it’s a good time for you to consider cleaning up your profile page and making other adjustments. You’ve all heard advice about your Facebook profiles before – but if you’re going to take the next step and use Facebook to find a job – it’s time …
One Sentence You Should Never Say at Work
Our jobs can be a challenge amidst all the change that invariably is happening at our companies. Whether we are at a fast growing start-up, a huge corporation adapting to new market conditions and competitors or somewhere in between, odds are this is a reality of work.
No matter what your job, company or industry, …