Category: Positioning

PeoplePersonal BrandingPositioning

Avoid Babbitry and Stand Out From the Crowd

Do you suffer from babbitry?

It means an excessive feeling of self-satisfaction. It also means small-mindedness, smugness, middle-class mentality.

But my friend, novelist Cathy Day, gave me the best definition of all: a person and especially a business or professional man who conforms unthinkingly to prevailing middle-class standards. The word comes from Sinclair Lewis’ novel, …

authors cornerMarketingPersonal BrandingPositioningSuccess Strategies

Simple One-Sheet Sells More Books & Builds Brands

All authors need one-sheets, formatted single-page PDFs that can sell more books & contribute to building the author’s personal brand.

One of the best investments authors can make is to hire a graphic designer to create a one-sheet template, similar to the one at right. A one-sheet template establishes a format that you can use …

Career DevelopmentPersonal BrandingPositioningSuccess Strategies

What Do Your Online Photos Say About Your Brand?

The photos you choose to represent your online brand are important. After all, your profile picture across various networking websites is often the first impression others get of you!

Whether you’re on the job search or looking to grow in your career, it’s vital that your online photos reflect the brand you’re building or maintaining. …

Brand Yourself AsCareer DevelopmentPersonal BrandingPositioningReputation ManagementSocial Media

“Give Me Freedom…” Should Your Brand Include Political Standing?

There are a lot of things that don’t mix well with your career. One of the obvious ones is religion. But what about politics?

Do you talk about politics at work? In your blog posts? On Twitter or Facebook? This is linking your personal brand with a political standing – and can be a quick …