Build Your Brand with Hashtags
Do you want to be seen as a subject matter expert?
If so, leveraging the power of hashtags is a quick and relatively easy way to build your brand around a particular topic. Hashtags are a word or short phrase, preceded by the number sign,#, that allows people to easily follow and join conversations around …
Super-Size Your Personal Brand on Social Media
Creating a strong personal brand online will help you build credibility in the eyes of followers, connect with influences and will ultimately result in your being contacted by key decision makers for opportunity. However, a powerful personal brand does not happen overnight, nor is it the result of simply “showing up” on social networks like …
Overcoming Writer’s Block
We’ve all been faced with a blank page, a blank screen, an empty notebook. Our minds are either a swirling vortex of ideas with no guidance, or they’re as empty as the page you’re looking at.
It’s the dreaded Writer’s Block, the bane of every writer at least once in his or her life.
You’re …
Success Is More Than Just Showing Up
Ninety percent of life may just be showing up, but oftentimes it’s those who stick around who get the greatest benefit.
One of my favorite things to do whenever I go see a speaker, attend a networking event, or do anything special that has someone notable in attendance, is to be one of the last …
Hiring Opposite Keirsey Temperaments to Grow Your Company
The problem most people have when hiring new employees is the tendency to hire people just like themselves. Engineering firms that need a marketer look for engineering-types with marketing experience. Creative types who need someone to manage the office look for other creatives who have operations experience.
It’s a problem for many leaders — they …
Are You Your Past or Are You Your Future?
As a career coach, I’ve heard many of my clients start with, “Well, I want to do something totally different from what I’ve done so far.” This attitude indicates that you are ready for change. That you want to find a new path because you either don’t like where you are right now or you …
Using Myers-Briggs Temperaments to Help With Hiring and Selling
As you’re sitting in your next job interview, work evaluation, or sales call, knowing the Myers-Briggs temperament of the person sitting across from you can be extremely beneficial.
If you’ve ever heard of Myers-Briggs, you’re familiar with the 4-letter classification that each personality type has — ENFP, ISTJ, ISTP, ESFJ, and so on. There are …
Easy, Universal Blogging Idea for Personal Branding Success
Are you looking for an easy blog post idea that you can use over and over again to build your personal brand–regardless of your field?
Serendipity and a willingness to look for inspiration everywhere can play big dividends. Often, the best ideas for building your personal brand come from reading books outside of your field.…
What to Do With Your Brand When in Transition?
You are a successful professional, known as an expert in your field, and valued in your circles of colleagues and partners. Your brand is solid.
But now you’re up to something new. Maybe you’ve gone from being an engineer to being a training consultant, from working in a public school system in Europe to working …
We’re Never Experts In Our Own Hometowns
It’s one of the most frustrating hurdles for anyone who wants to be a paid consultant or professional speaker: you can’t get hired to speak at the event or consult for the company just a few miles from your house, even when you get paid a few thousand dollars to fly across the country and …