Category: Positioning

Brand Yourself AsCareer DevelopmententrepreneurshipPersonal BrandingPositioningReputation ManagementSocial Media

Socially Inspecting What You Are Expecting

Social media has truly changed the way people do business and connect with each other online. What’s great about social media is the fact that it’s fast and easy. Typically, you communicate with others in short and concise messages, so it’s important that you learn the best way to get your information out there using …

Brand Yourself AsCareer DevelopmentJob SearchNetworkingPersonal BrandingPositioning

Becoming Part of a Headhunter’s Inner Circle

Branding Yourself to be ‘Headhunted’:  Part 3 – of the series Branding Yourself to be Headhunted

EDITOR’S NOTE: In Part 1 we examined what a “headhunter” does, as well as what he or she does NOT do. To briefly recap, a “headhunter’s” primary mission is to find the TOP-performing talent for a hiring company. These …

Career DevelopmentJob SearchPersonal BrandingPositioningReputation ManagementSocial Media

Is Your LinkedIn Brand Ready For The “Apply” Button?

It’s likely that you already have a professional presence on LinkedIn – but is it detailed enough to start using it as your resume?

LinkedIn recently announced the launch of a button for employers’ websites called “Apply With LinkedIn.” The button will allow job candidates to submit their LinkedIn profiles as resumes – which has …

Career DevelopmentMarketingNetworkingPersonal BrandingPositioningReputation ManagementSocial Media

9 Ways To Command Your Schedule Socially

Small business owners usually don’t have time for social media. They are often notoriously busy and are popular for putting on multiple hats, long work hours and juggling several responsibilities. And this is the reason why business owners should invest more in social media- to help them gain more time for important things and for …

Brand Yourself AsCareer DevelopmentJob SearchNetworkingPersonal BrandingPositioning

Want To Be “Headhunted”? Here’s How!

Part 2 of the post series “Brand Yourself to be Headhunted”

EDITOR’S NOTE: In last week’s blog we examined what a “headhunter” does, as well as what he or she does NOT do. To briefly recap, a “headhunter’s” primary mission is to find the TOP-performing talent for a hiring company. These TOP performers will currently …

Brand Yourself AsCareer DevelopmentPersonal BrandingPositioningReputation Management

How Your Personal Brand Changes Over Time

Your personal brand isn’t meant to be stagnant. After all, throughout your career, you’ll certainly grow and change as an individual. So will your business.

What influences these changes in your personal brand over time?

Your experience New business ventures Switching career paths Interests New skills Your mentors or close colleagues

Just because you’ve built …

Brand Yourself AsNetworkingPersonal BrandingPositioning

A Cup Of Coffee To Unexpected Influencers

Dr. Robert Cialdini has written many best-sellers, including Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, Yes!: 50 Scientifically proven Ways to Be Persuasive, and Influence: Science and Practice. His purpose is to conduct and translate proven scientific research into ethical business applications.

On his Influence at Work website, some interesting new findings on the level of an …