Category: Personal Branding

Job SearchPersonal BrandingSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

Why a Bowling Pin Boy Beats an MBA

Millennials are getting a bad reputation for helicopter parents, ADD and lack of commitment at work. Plenty of Millennials disprove that stereotype. However, almost every employer and manager I speak with – some Millennials themselves – worry aloud about the work ethic and engagement of this generation as a whole.

In Sunday’s New York Times, …

Job SearchNetworkingPersonal BrandingSkill Development

Troubleshooting LinkedIn for a Better Networking Experience

How to tackle your three biggest LinkedIn problems.

LinkedIn is the primary social network for business networking and career advancement. However, while many professionals have signed up on the network, I constantly find users expressing many of the same issues with the network. What is the value of LinkedIn Endoresements and can I get rid …

entrepreneurshipJob SearchPersonal BrandingSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

What’s Irritating to Others When Using Video?

In recent years I’ve polled hundreds of people about their work in the digital age. This week, it’s what’s irritating about video?

When people:

Don’t acknowledge others on the other side of the monitor. Constantly look bored or continuously check their cellphone. Don’t speak up. Use cellphones to call which is usually a poorer connection.…
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