Category: Personal Branding

ArticlesPersonal Branding

8 types of men who make the best partners in life, according to psychology

There’s quite a distinction between just dating men and finding the right partner for life.

This disparity boils down to understanding the psychological traits that make certain men great life partners.

Identifying these traits allows you to choose wisely, helping you steer towards a fulfilling and enriching relationship.

As a relationship expert and founder of …

Personal Branding

8 ways to shut down a control freak without saying a word

There’s a major distinction between asserting yourself and being controlled.

The difference comes down to silence. Being controlled is when someone imposes their will on you, often disregarding your feelings or thoughts.

Asserting yourself, however, is the art of maintaining your boundaries without having to utter a single word. It’s about mastering the subtle cues …

ArticlesPersonal Branding

People who are genuinely self-centred usually display these behaviours (without realizing it)

There’s a fine line between being confident and being self-centred.

Being self-centred usually involves prioritising your own needs, wants, and feelings above everyone else’s, often without even realising it.

On the other hand, confidence is about knowing your worth, but also acknowledging and respecting the worth of others.

People who are genuinely self-centred often exhibit …