Category: News

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The Unemployment Numbers Don’t Add Up

I am a motivational author, trainer, and blogger… but when disinformation and miscommunication are released by the government to hide the truth, someone has to speak out!  The latest unemployment rate, according to the government, fell from 9.4 percent to 9.0 percent last month.  Hogwash !

Either the data is inaccurate or the government better …

authors cornerCommunication & Networkingguest postMarketingNewsRelationships & Personal Growth

Writing,, & Personal Branding Success in 2011

During 2011, it will become harder and harder to separate writing,, and personal branding success.

Many authors underestimate the number of marketing opportunities that offers those who are interested in building their personal brand.

Certainly, there are numerous other online and offline book retailers; chances are, your home is within a few miles …

Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryCommunication & NetworkingNewsRelationships & Personal Growth

Celebrity Branding Case Studies: Kanye West, Serena Williams & Joe Wilson

I just got back from New York City and today is my 26th birthday.  I was going to blog about my time spent in New York, but I think I’ll save that for another day.  I would have also blogged about my accomplishments to date and some future projects that you’ll be hearing about soon.  …

Communication & NetworkingCorporate BrandingeBrandInterviewMarketingNewsRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation ManagementSocial Media

REQUIRED: A Custom Facebook URL For Your Brand Name

Facebook is releasing custom URL’s for both profile and fan pages. This is a big move by Facebook and if you review their announcement this afternoon, there are a few details that you want to pay attention to.  From my perspective, this is perhaps the most important news since Google released their profile pages a …

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Tweeting About Being Fired From the New Yorker; Why Journalists Should Take Charge of Their Personal Brand

All in all, last Friday was probably a good day for Dan Baum.

The former New Yorker staff writer’s decision to use Twitter to chronicle his unwilling exit from the magazine in 2007 has generated quite a bit of buzz and attracted a few hundred followers to his account.

At 1:46pm on May 8, Baum …

eBrandJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingMarketingMe 2.0NewsRelationships & Personal Growth

Me 2.0 is Officially Out Today – Purchase Your Copy Now!

Me 2.0 launches today!

Me 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success (Kaplan Publishing) is officially out today in bookstores everywhere and in all major online retailer sites.  You’ve read my blog, flipped through the pages of Personal Branding Magazine, viewed my videos, even skimmed the articles I write on other websites and …

Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryCommunication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingmagazineMarketingNewsRelationships & Personal Growth

Discover Your Brand With Issue 7 of Personal Branding Magazine

Personal Branding Magazine – Volume 2, Issue 3 Discover Your Brand Summary

Personal Branding Magazine Volume 2, Issue 3 focuses on the first step of the personal branding process, brand discovery. Many people rush into personal branding, without first taking precious time to discover who they are and what they want to do for the …

Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryCommunication & NetworkingNewsPositioningPRRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

President G.W. Bush: The Brand Challenge

He served his country to the best of his ability for 8 long years. Yet despite his good intentions his nation did not seem to approve of his actions. And so, after countless hours campaigning and nearly a decade of public service, he leaves behind a personal brand in shambles. This is not the legacy …

Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryMiscNewsRelationships & Personal Growth

Welcome to the New and Improved Personal Branding Blog!

Today marks the first post on my redesigned blog. I’m very excited and have worked the past few months to make this happen for everyone. I’m going to go over my three part blog transition first, then explain where this is heading afterward.

In the beginning

My first blog was called Driven-To-Succeed and it was …